Wednesday, May 19, 2004

It's taken me three days to publish this blog!


So, I'm back from my trip to Panama City, and I had a wonderful time! My mom and sister, and I left about 5:30 saturday morning and got to the condo around noon. We almost didn't get to stay in my Aunt's condo because the girl behind the counter told us that no one had called and put my mom's name on the register (which my aunt had). We had all of the paperwork, but no one had put the note in the computer. However, the counter girl figured that if we had all of the information on hand AND knew thw names of the people the condo belonged to, she would let us go ahead and stay. Wasn't that mighty high class of her? Anyways, we went to Shuckum's for lunch and came back to lay on the beach. I don't think I've laughed that much in ages! I forgot how funny mom and Angie can be. I swear, the whole time we were there we did nothing but talk, lay on the beach, eat, and we went shopping a couple of times. It was heaven. After school and work being so busy, a trip to do nothing was paradise. I wish I could have stayed until friday, but I would have been by myself and I would have never found my way home! : ) I got sunburned all around the edges, even with putting sunscreen on, but it's starting to fade to a tan now. I promise, I was a pair of pink eyes away from being albino before I went there, now I look a little less like a vampire, but my chest is still burnt a little. It's weird to look at myself and have color! The only drawback there is that my nose is peeling! I'm crispy around the edges.
Oh! In newer news, I got an internship in the graphics/web department here at the SpRocket Center, and so far I like it. Of course, I haven't been asked to do anything that could destroy stuff, so I suppose I've done fine so far. I'm only getting about 8 hours a week, but that seems to be fine for now. I'm working on a Mac for the first time in ages, so that takes a little getting used to, but I think I'll like it! Hopefully I'll learn some "mad skills" heeheehee, and everyone will want me to work for them. The guy I'm working with today, Jason, is completely awesome and talented. Maybe some of that will rub off.
I'm so hungry. Yesterday Steve and I went to Casa Blanca and had some exellent mexican food and I've been thinking about it all day!! I had to eat lunch early this morning so that I could get to the graphics department on time, and I could eat a dead horse right now! I probably could have stopped and had lunch, but I don't want to miss anything while I'm here, so I'll just be hungry I guess.
I have to go to the doctor next week and I don't want to! I at least hope I can talk him into giving me a new perscription for the pills I had. *Fingers Crossed*
Well, I know this hasn't been extremely exciting, but hey, you read this to know what I'm doing and this is it! Woo-Hoo!
Until next time.

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