Monday, June 28, 2004

On Saturday night we went to see Dodgeball. It was so funny. At the beginning, I was afraid that it had been over-hyped and that it was going to suck because it was so slow. However, once they started playing the tournament with the Girl Scouts, it turned out to be hilarious. It had some of the best one-liners I've heard in a long time. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind a little bit of mindless, crude humor. : )
Also on Saturday, I actually witnessed a scene! I had to make an emergency shoe shopping trip to Target, and while I was waiting in line to check out, the guy in the line next to mone starts screaming at the cashier, "I DON'T CARE, JUST GIVE ME MY MONEY!!!!! IS THERE A MANAGER IN THE STORE?" I mean, he was screaming, and he knew everyone was looking at him. The guy behind him said something I didn't hear and moved his cart, and the screaming guy said "YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?! COME OVER HERE AND SAY IT TO MY FACE!!" By this time, everyone is quiet and looking at him and the guy is still making a scene, and the manager comes running out of the office and is apologizing to the guy saying "I'm sorry sir, it's my fault, you were waiting on me." Apparently that wasn't good enough, because he said something that made the manager get that "I'm putting up with you because I'm trying to make it better, but if I wasn't the manager of this store, I'd beat you to death with your own shoes" voice. She said that she would just have to void something and fix it and he could be on his way. Once again, that wasn't good enough, and he said something else smart to the manager. And with the cahones I've never heard a manager use to a customer she said "Look sir, either we fix this, or I void this entire order and you can get out of my store." As a customer service employee who is yelled and cursed at for things beyond my control, it was all I could do not to start whistling and cheering! I don't even know her name, but she's my temporary hero!

Oh yeah, did you know you can comment on my entries now? I found the the "Ctrl, Alt, Magic" button Jason talks about, and now you can tell me what you think about what I write. I don't have a clue what you might say, but you have the option to do it anyways! Woo-Hoo!

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