Monday, August 16, 2004

You know you're getting old when doing something childish but funny, just starts seeming to be, well, just too childish. Sigh.


So, a whole lot of stuff went on this weekend. I bet you're just foaming at the mouth to hear about it too... heeheehee.

Friday was work, of course, and afterwards Steve and I went to his parent's house to mow the lawn and have dinner with them. We also stayed to watch Monk with them and it was so funny. You know, even though I love that show, and Tony Shaloub is a completely awesome actor, it makes me feel bad to laugh at a man with OCD. Call me crazy! My favorite part of the show? "Why are you making that face?" "We're in rough terrain. This is my rough terrain face." You really just have to know me and Steve to know why that is funny.

On Saturday, Steve, his parents, Grandma and I went to the Chattanooga aquarium and it was so fun! There were way too many people there to really get all the enjoyment out of it, but I love going to aquariums, so that was fine. The otters, my favorite, were asleep, but they were still cute. I found a snow globe with otters in it for my collection, so I was happy. After that we went to the IMAX theater and saw "NASCAR the Redneck Experience" oops, I mean, "NASCAR, the IMAX Experience". I'm not kidding here, I saw rednecks in IMAX. I never thought that day would come. Actually, the movie was pretty good. I have a whole new respect for the whole racing thing now that I know what is involved. However, not one minute of the movie made me want to go to a race. I actually committed a huge faux pas during the movie. They were showing a part where we were seeing the NASCAR announcer, who's name I think is Dale Waltrip or something like that, was doing his first race and his brother was winning and he was all excited, and then all of a sudden his face changed and he looked like he was going to cry and he said "Is Dale OK?", and I laughed. It just seemed like such a strange transition from elated to sad that I thought was so funny. I had no idea that I was watching a part of a race where Dale Earnhardt had been killed because they didn't show the car hit the wall. I felt so bad! I wouldn't have ever laughed if I had know what I was watching. I tried to clear my throat so that anyone who may have heard me would think that I had been coughing, but I don't know if it worked. It made me feel even worse when I realized that the people next to me were crying during that part. I'm so uncouth. I would never have laughed at someone being killed, especially someone people thought so much of. Ugg. After we left the theater, we went home and Steve and I fell asleep. It was a fun and interesting day!

Sunday was church, of course, and I sang in the morning service. I sang Steve's favorite hymn "It Is Well With My Soul." I love that song, and I love to sing it even more. It's just so powerful and it gives me chills. Everyone seems to enjoy it, but I'm afraid I sing it too often. Oh well, I went ahead and made a spreadsheet to keep up with what I sing so that I don't sing it too close to the last time I did it. I was going to sing "How Great Thou Art" but I haven't gotten the ending down right yet. Maybe next time. We also went to my parent's house for lunch and to evening service.

Tune in next monday for another WEEKEND RECAP! If you want to, I mean! : )

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