Monday, September 18, 2006

Well, I'm apparently still invited to the Sparkman High School class reunion. You'd think the fact that I graduated from East Limestone would be a factor in all of this, but Gay Ex-Boyfriend still hasn't had me removed from the mailing list! I'm serious, I asked to be removed from their stupid list last October after the embarrassing mix-up that got me signed up in the first place! But, no...I'm still getting the silly reminders about it!

I should show up. I could wear a t-shirt that says "I (heart) Kevin!" and carry a machete in one hand and a jar of Vick's Vapor Rub in the other and scream "WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME?" every time he walks by.

He'd probably wish he hadn't ignored me about it! :)

Sorry, I don't mean to sound bitter. No, seriously, I don't. I'm just tired of such blatent rudeness. I mean, come on, love me, hate me, but spare me your indifference. It's not my fault he was both a jerk and gay when we were dating, so why has he insisted on acting as if I did anything to cause it. A teeny bit of honesty and backbone on his part could have saved us both a great deal of embarrassment (not to mention the jokes I STILL get about having dated him) and he wouldn't have to feel as if avoiding me or my request was his only option. Oy vey! Anyways, enough about that.

Now it's time for the WEEKEND UPDATE! Yay!

Friday night Steve and I met up with everyone at The Outback. We hardly ever go to a place like that when we get together, but we were having dinner in honor of Crocodile Hunter Steve Erwin. Crikey! *moment of silence*

No, that's a lie. Anthony was just craving steak. :) We had a good time, but it was so hot in our booth. Shannon and I were on the inside closest to the wall, and there was NO air moving around. Our waitress was a flake and a half. She couldn't remember anything and kept running off. She was also very chatty. Now, I have no problems with friendly staff. I prefer it, actually, but I don't really enjoy when they stand there for a really, really long time and talk. Well, unless they have something interesting going for them, but this girl didn't. Bless her heart... After dinner we went to Barnes & Noble. We mainly just walked around for a while before we headed home. It was nice, but uneventful. Well, except for the fact that I bought a box of Godiva because they had some new pieces I'd never tried. I even shared a piece with Steve, although that is highly unusual.

Saturday was another one of those days where I had good intentions that didn't come to fruition. I didn't sleep all day, believe it or not. I actually got up at a decent hour and contemplated making biscuts, but I didn't. Steve had already made plans, so I decided to work on a little more of my Christmas shopping. I found a few things, so that was good. I'm almost done, as a matter of fact, but I feel bad that some things I've found aren't exactly inspired. It's not that they are bad, but I just think that some gifts should be very well planned. I'm having trouble with that this year! :( After shopping, I came home and began doing some laundry. I didn't get very far, because I was reading a book that I was really into and kept having to pick it up to see what happened next! That night, Steve and I went to dinner with Josh. We were situated so that Steve's back was to the TV while the Tennessee/Florida game was on. I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but watching the game was kind of fun. (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...) Since I could see what was going on, I was giving Steve the play-by-play and reading off the scores for the other games he was interested in. Auburn beat LSU (yay), Alabama spanked Mississipi State, and there was a plethora of other scores I don't remember. After we ate, Josh came over and he and Steve spent manly time talking out on the back patio.

Sunday began as a normal Sunday. We ended up over-sleeping, so Steve had to leave earlier than I to get to orchestra practice. When I finally saw him after classes were over, he said he was dizzy and weak. He looked like hell, I know that much. We made it through the service and he hobbled out to his truck. I was afraid he wouldn't make it home, but he did. We swerved all over the place, but he made it. I followed close behind him in case I had to pull him out of a ditch or something. Once we got home, I called my parents and told them we wouldn't be coming out since Steve was sick and I was afraid if I left him he would fall and hit his giant head on something. :) I also called to let his dad know we wouldn't be back at church that night. I told Steve to try and eat something and when he had lunch he was feeling much better. It was probably some kind of blood sugar thing, but since that had never happened to him before, I got scared. He ended up sleeping for a long while and woke up around 7:00. We watched "V for Vandetta" which was pretty good, until he DVD stopped working. Now we have no idea how the movie ends! Netflix, here we come.

So that was my weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alabama spanked Louisiana Monroe, not Mississippi State, but I imagine that would have been possible too.
