Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oy vey...

You know how we all have an inside voice and an outside voice? If we're lucky, the inside voice never finds its way out. I wasn't so lucky on Sunday. I was waiting for the orchestra to finish playing so that I could practice the song I was going to sing that morning. I had forgotten my lyric sheet, so I was writing down the words on the back of my bulletin and not really paying attention to what was going on. I did, however, somehow overhear an exchange between our associate pastor and his daughter, who were going to be performing a skit in that morning's service. The little girl was wearing a big Hawaiian shirt over her dress, and she was taking it off before she went to class. Her dad asked what she was doing, and she told him she was just taking it off and he said "That's OK. We'll practice the lines in my office. You don't need to wear a shirt for that." That was when my mouth took a LOA from my brain and I said "You know, people say the same thing to me all of the time." Seriously, if I had been thinking I wouldn't have said something like that to one of our pastors. As soon as it was out of my mouth, I froze. The poor man was bright red, and I didn't know how to take it back! There was nothing I could do but look embarrassed. A very mild, off-color joke takes on a whole new dimension when you say it to the wrong person. :(

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