Thursday, June 11, 2009

I work with a guy that scares me a little.

Don't get me wrong, he is a really nice guy, but he has this quality about him that makes me nervous. Before I actually got a chance to meet him, I just saw him around and thought that he was kind of sinister. He's a really tall man who walks hunched over a little, and he has the smile of a super villain/serial killer. I nicknamed him (as I do almost everyone who's name I don't know) Flesh Coat, because he kind of made me think of the bad guy in Silence of the Lambs. I could actually imagine him throwing someone in a pit and telling them to "rub the lotion on the skin." I know that's bad, because we aren't supposed to judge someone by their appearance, but I was powerless to stop it. I actually got a chance to meet him later on and while he still looks kind of scary, at least I'm fairly sure he isn't a serial killer. He is an unusual guy though. He is one of those people who complains a lot about the younger women who talk to him or like him, but you know he's secretly thrilled that they pay attention to him. He also talks a lot about the things he's good at, as if they are kind of burdensome, but you can tell he just wants to let you know what he can do. I've also been told by other men that he works with that he's a complete pervert , but I've never heard him say anything like that. Of course, that may be because I'm WAY too old for him. Not that he's a pedo or anything, but I think I'm about 10 - 12 years too old for his tastes (BTW, he's 6 years older than I, so that makes it creepy).

Anyways, yesterday Steve had to stay at work later than usual, so I got to spend an hour with that guy. A whole hour. We talked, or rather HE talked, a lot. I never really know how to talk to this guy because sometimes he doesn't realize when I'm being silly or sarcastic, so I just spent that hour listening to him, not knowing how to respond/react to him, and praying that Steve would hurry up and get there. At one point he did something strange, and while Flesh Coat's back was turned I leaned over and whispered to the girl sitting next to me that I thought the guy was really weird. I think he heard me. :( I may think he's weird, and he may make me feel uncomfortable, but I certainly didn't want to hurt his feelings! I felt bad. I also realized, too late as it turned out, that while I was talking to him, I had leaned over to look out of the window and the neck of my shirt got pulled down. Way down. Like, super way down. I accidentally flashed Flesh Coat. I'm scared he's going to think I did it on purpose, or worse, tell people I did that on purpose.


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