Thursday, January 23, 2020


I have this theory that all of our weird, irrational fears come from the way we died in other lives.

For example:

My fear of heights: I probably fell out of a tree or down a mountain or something.

My fear of suffocation: I was probably murdered by a jealous lover in my sleep or buried alive by a jealous lover. (Honestly, I'd be disappointed if I wasn't murdered by a jealous lover in one of my past lives, so LET ME HAVE THIS, OK?)

My fear of suddenly dying: I probably suddenly died, like, at a baseball game in front of thousands of people.

I have others, but I'll spare you.

Anyways, I figure that if reincarnation could possibly be real, then all the stuff we are afraid of that doesn't make sense comes from things that made a big enough impression on us at another time, and what could make a bigger impression on us than something that kills us?!

I know, this is a hell of a way to resume blogging after all this time, but honestly, I just needed to write that down and I figured I might as well share my wisdom with all of you fine folks! :)

Also, I started another entry weeks ago and haven't finished it yet, so this is what you get right now.


PS: Please don't tell the preacher I'm thinking about reincarnation. He'd disapprove.

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