Monday, April 25, 2005

Well, here I am! I know you were probably missing me! Heh. Actually, I'm still having trouble with at work, so I haven't been able to post anything while I was thinking about it lately. So I decided to just ramble while I'm at home. It will make you feel less cheated if you're reading this.

Speaking of not posting. I'm going to have to go into a self imposed exile for the next few days due to overburdening myself with projects and what not. Luckily, I finished the final intaglio print that I had due (and not without turning yet another part of myself black for a couple of days), and I also finally finished the wedding programs for my friend Tasha. They turned out decent, if I do say so. The invitations are going to be a little more tricky to finish. They have three layers and a bow, and it takes forever to get everything cut out and tied together. They look nice, though. I've still got 60 left to cut out and put together. I'm glad I'm getting paid for this. I've also got to design a promotional website for myself as if I were presenting it to a potential employer (Dang that was a lot of Ps), and I've got the basic design down, but I still have to do all of the referencing and stuff as well as building two flash animations to insert in there. Didn't know I could do that...huh? : )

I've been having this horrible recurring nightmare that I am packing boxes and having to move out of places. When I ask to stay, the people just tell me to leave because they don't need me anymore. When I look down into my boxes, they are full of weird stuff like the kind of stuff you keep in scrapbooks. Pictures and stuff like that. Then they push me out the door and I can hear them having a party on the other side of the door, but they won't let me back in! It's very frustrating! I think I'm going to learn lucid dreaming and beat someone up. : ) It might not get me invited to the party, but at least no one else will have a good time! Heeheehee.

I need a few prayers, if you don't mind please. I applied for a job in our graphics department today. It's basically the same job I applied for last year. The girl who got that job left a week ago. I would really like to have the job, but I'm nervous about it. I mean, I know it would be great if I was able to finally work in the field I'm training for, entry level or not, but getting the job is not the biggest thing I'm worried about. I mean, I may get it, I may not. That is up to God. What I'm worried about is if I don't get it, will I feel as bad as I did last year. I mean, it really upset me and I don't want to have to feel like that again. I need prayers that I can handle rejection with grace and ease. If it's not God's will for me to have it, I want to be able to accept that and go about my business with little to no discomfort. In fact, I'd like to not even think about it until I have to, but as it is when you want something, it's always lurking around in the brain. I also would ask for prayers that if I DO get the job, I will do my best and make them glad they chose me. I need to fix my portfolio and get it ready. Even if I don't get the position, I want to go into the interview as prepared and professional as possible. I might even wear a skirt. I'm a wild woman! : )

Wow, this is a long entry. It's 11:27 p.m. and I can't sleep. Ah to sleep, perchance to blog. heh.

Steve's Blackberry thingie just scared me half to death. Every time he gets an e-mail, it sings the Mah-na Mah-na song by the Muppets. You're probably familiar with the song from the diet cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper commericals where the dude in the resturaunt starts singing. Anywho, I had to jump up and slam it into the little magnetic pouch that turns the sound off. One thing I DON'T need is to be scared to death by Muppets.

I think I'm about to go in there and waste some time playing Sims 2 University. So far I haven't graduated anyone I've sent to college, but I've killed a great number of people. Now that I've been using the programmers cheat codes, it's a lot more fun to play. You can kill people, aliens can get them pregnant (men or women, believe it or not), they gan get older or live forever, and you never have to make them go to the bathroom if you don't want to! If only life were that easy!

Well, ta for now. Once I am back in a less hectic pace, I will be back. Hopefully I can figure out what is wrong with my blogger at work so I can write stuff while I'm thinking about it. Yeah, I know, whoop-de-freakin-do.


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