In an unfortunate burst of something other than my normal, optimistic attitude (stop laughing!) - something rather like hurt or possibly irritation (haven't decided which yet) - I would like to say this one thing before I just let it roll off of me and go about my business.
After this evening I now have realized something. There is one thing that truly sucks about having close friends who are guys if you are a girl. It doesn't matter how close you are or how long you've known them, whether you are best friends or more like brother and sister. It's amazing how you can become completely and totally invisible to them once they meet a girl with whom they have even the smallest chance of sleeping with. I'm talking about I-N-V-I-S-I-B-l-E, ceasing to exist to them, Kelly who? Even more amazing than that is their complete and utter lack of realization that they are being rude and hurtful.
I don't know what makes me more mad at this point, the fact that I sat there for two hours and let myself be completely ignored so as not to seem rude, or the fact that this bothers me at all.
Some people SUCK!