Sunday, June 04, 2006

I am a sucker for personality quizzes. I think it's because Ilike to see how accurate they can be for me since I don't tend to fit into one particular category very neatly. Through a link I found on a friend's blog, I took one called the Jung Typology Test Honestly, I don't have a clue what that means, but I found out that it conciders me to be "ISFP" which apparently means "Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving." You can read all about what that means here. I'd try to explain it, but I don't have a clue what it means!

If you do take the time to read it, could you please tell me if it describes me? I'd appreciate it! ; )


Anonymous said...

I certainly don't think it's a bad way to be! We have a lot in common I guess. My results this time were INFP. I have been INFP for a while, but I think people's personalities change over time and what happens to them. When I first took this sort of test, as a freshman or sophomore in high school, I was ENFP. I was never an "E" again! One bad relationship later, I was INTP. A few years later (toward the end of college) I was INTJ (I guess higher education made me judgmental). Then a few years later I tested INFP, and every time since then that's what I've been. So I guess I am about as egocentrically obsessed with personality tests as anybody can be!
My one constant has been the "N," which is as strong as I am in any one category, and that is the place where you and I differ. I am more likely to daydream about an adventure for example, and you are more likely to go out and have one. That's not a bad way to be!

Anonymous said...


WhenI took the test in 1984 I was an ISTJ. The test was administered as a part of my senior mecanical engineering design course for the pupose of teaching us that people approach a task from different perspectives. We had several projects that we would be working on in groups and he wanted us to understand that people have very different approaches to the way they perform problem solving tasks. It was called then the Meyers(sp?)-Briggs Personality test. The test designer basically concluded that people can be divided 16 different personality types. The test is to determine which type you are. He indicated that most students he had tested as budding engineers, fell in to the IST portion of the 4x4 grid that makes up the 16 personalities.
So you being an ISXX means that you are two-third the way to becoming one of us. *In my best Darth Vader voice* Your path to the the dark side is almost complete!


Anonymous said...

Check out this site for a brief summary of the personality types.