Wednesday, January 31, 2007


* Sarah Silverman is not now, nor has she ever been, funny. Any adult who needs to resort to potty humor and inappropriate jokes to be funny has issues. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I can't for the life of me understand how people who are obviously nothing more than infantile minded tellers of poop, fart, and sex jokes become celebrities. Case in point, Howard Stern. He's a multi-millionaire just for being a mysogonistic pig. Wow. Welcome to America. /rant

*So, Steve and I were not on American Idol last night. Well, we were, but we were in a crowd of 11,000 other people screaming and waving our arms, so unless you have a pretty sharply honed "Kelly Sensor", you couldn't tell where we were. I can't believe how little of the actual crowd footage that was actually used. We stood out there on the steps of the civic center for over an hour waving at the camera and screaming, and then we spent another hour or more singing Sweet Home Alabama, screaming, and waving our arms at the camera. Oh well, as they say, that's showbiz. : ) I'm sort of glad I didn't make it past the first round of auditions after watching the show last night. Simon Cowell is MEAN! I understand why he has to kind of be that way, I guess, but geez. He's a very damaged little man. I remembered seeing a couple of the people who were on the show while I was at the auditions. The girl with long hair especially. I felt so sorry for the people who cried when they were rejected, because I probably would have done the same thing! However, and I say this with no false modesty at all, I know I was better than some of the people they let go to the next round! Of course, maybe I didn't look as if I would make enough of a scene if they were mean to me. They sure didn't judge me right, did they? Heeheehee : )

*I had so much fun in my Theater history class yesterday. We were reading a Greek comedy called (and I don't know if I'm spelling this right) Lysistrata. I got to read the part of Lysistrata for the first act, and I actually enjoyed it. I probably would have liked to have done theater if I had the chance. Maybe I'll audition for the next community theater play and be second sunflower to the left, or something! You'd come and watch, right?

*I have big hair today. Not Trailer-Park big, but big enough for a guy I work with to make a comment. My hair has gotten so long that I don't know what to do with it anymore. I can finally put it in a ponytail for the first time in many years, but I don't like to because it makes my head hurt when I take it out! Clippies! Must get more CLIPPIES!

*The other night one of our dogs got mad at me for not having his food in his bowl on time and he took a poo on the carpet in our bedroom. The sad thing is, we didn't know about it for an hour or so. : ( Neither one of them would own up to it, but I think I know who did it. He was the one who looked the most ashamed of himself when I asked them about it. That has to be the worst thing about owning any kind of animal. Yuck. I'm just glad that Steve doesn't do that when I don't have dinner ready on time!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you about Sarah Silverman. I think her appeal is that she is relatively attractive for a female comedian. Guys aren't using their sense of humor when they watch her.
I'd love to hear what you thought of Lysistrata! I wonder what would happen if women used that same strategy today.

Tae said...

I liked the play, even though I was a little shocked at the content of it! If I were to ever be in a play, I think I'd like to do that one, but maybe have it set in the civil war or something.

If Clinton was still in office, and those tactics were used, the war would have been over before it even got started! :)