Friday, July 24, 2020


This is just to report that nothing interesting has happened. Not really. But in the interest of updating you guys on my life, let’s see...

We drove to the mountains over the holiday weekend, which was nice. We did come into contact with strangers, but thus far, we seem to have avoided getting sick (knock on wood.) we actually walked on a tiny section of the Appalachian Trail, and it was Just as miserable as I thought it might be! Seriously, if I ever talk about looking forward to hiking the AT, that is code for something bad happening that I can’t talk about it. Send in the national guard. :) 

I‘ve gained an alarming amount of weight. Not going places, not being able to go to my gym for so long, breaking my bike, it being too effing hot to do things outside, and a newfound appreciation for baking hasn’t helped. Perhaps I’ll be on one of those reality shows where I get yelled at by a personal trainer until I develop an eating disorder at some point, but for now, I’m making an attempt to lose it the old fashioned way, but with little success! Cookies make it hard. Hehe!

Sara’s birthday was the other day. I miss her.

They finally hired someone at the church to do the bookkeeping. It only took 8 years for them to realize how bad I am at it!

Josh came to visit! His mom is moving and he was helping her pack up their old house. I was so glad to see him! (Responsibly social distancing and no hugging, of course.) Weirdly, we haven’t seen Anthony in weeks and weeks. I’m starting to get withdrawals!

I keep buying masks. I have so many, and many of them are cute or sparkly! I still don’t really like wearing them, but I love accessorizing, So it all works out! Also, I love sparkles, so...I hands are tied!

I know I sound kind of mopey, but I’m not really. There is just nothing interesting going on at all. I hope that if that changes, it’s a good kind of interesting and not a we-have-to-fight-hoards-of-alien-badgers interesting. 

I hope you’re life is less boring (in a good way) than mine! 


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