Wednesday, June 30, 2021


A while back, I believe that I told you about the house next door getting raided by the cops. At least I think I did.  

In case I'm mistaken (and I can't be arsed to go back and look) or if you are new here, I'll give you the Readers Digest Condensed Version of the story: House next door covered with cops. Cops going through the house with flashlights. Cops take away boxes of evidence. Neighbors get arrested.

We had no idea what was going on, and the cops didn't feel the need to let us know if we had dangerous people living 50 feet from us, so we just had to conjecture. Luckily, we have neighbors that aren't as keep-to-themselves as we are. Steve stopped and talked to one lady while on his daily walk, and she told him what she found out.

Drugs. It was drugs. The college aged people next door were receiving and distributing drugs out of the garage in the back of the house. We don't know what kind of drugs, but we DO know that it must have been a sizable operation if 11 deputy vehicles and 4 city cop cars had to be called in.

That's not the funny thing, though. It will show you just how naive I am, I guess. One night, well before the whole raid next door happened, Anthony was over and the three of us were sitting around the fire pit in the back yard. While we were out there, we saw people coming and going next door the whole time. We saw one red Jeep go and come back, go and come back. We saw a black SUV go and come back. Normally, we don't really pay attention to the neighbors unless, you know, something weird is going on, and in our neighborhood this was definitely weird. There is usually not that much going on anywhere around us. As we sat and talked, we started wondering what was going on. Steve and Anthony were saying it had to be something nefarious, or they were dealing drugs or something. I was certain that they were Uber drivers. Nothing as bad as drug dealing could happen in our neighborhood, right?

I'm glad we didn't bet on it. :)

I think I need to start seeing the bad in people sometimes. It'll probably save my life one day.

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