Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Last night we went to The Ledges to play trivia again. 

(Hmmm...that isn't quite the opening sentence to a Daphne du Maurier novel, but very close.)

*Freeze Frame*

Lemme stop and give you a bit of background on why we were allowed inside. We actually joined what I suppose you can call a country club (maybe? That sounds really posh, but I don't know what else to call it) last year before things went completely to hell. If it isn't a country club, it's at least a fancy golf course with a fancy building attached. We are, of course, not golf members of this place. Not only do we not play golf, we don't have the funds to be full-fledged golf members there. I'm sorry if it's tacky to tell you we aren't millionaires, or even hundreds-of-thousandaires but if that's tacky, then I have to be tacky. 

Anyways. We are what you call Social Members, which means we are members enough to go to events there and we can eat in the fancy dining room. It's the lowest level of membership, so we're kind of like the white trash of the country club set up, if you will. We actually joined because a couple of times a month or so, they have spirit tastings, which are a lot of fun! They let you taste four different kinds of something or other, like Scotch, bourbon, tequila, and etc, and the chef makes food to match each one. It's more of a social thing, but the food is good and we've met lots of nice people. If you'd ever told me I'd go to something like that, I'd have told you to shut your whore mouth, because no I wouldn't. we are.


So one of the events they've been having since restrictions have been lessened has been a once-a-month trivia night. One of the local trivia groups comes to provide the game, we eat and play and it's just fun. I love playing trivia, even if I'm not great at it. As you know, Steve, Anthony and I have been playing trivia together for a few years and Anthony knows many things. Basically, unless it's Star Wars trivia, Anthony knows most of everything, I write the cards because I have the best hand writing and I know pop culture, and Steve sits around looking pretty and giving us answers about science and engineering. We're a good team, though, because we each fill a void. We also have others who play with us occasionally. We've been to this particular trivia night three times and we've come in first each time!

But I give you all of that copious, unnecessary information to tell you about my proudest moment in my personal trivia history. We were on the last round, which was general trivia (each of the other sections had been themed) and the question was something along the lines of "Who spoke the line 'To thine own self be true' in the Shakespeare play Hamlet." I knew the answer was Polonius, Actually, I originally said Felonious, as in Felonious Monk, but realized before we submitted that it was Polonius.

You'd think I'd know Shakespeare. Why? Because I seem like an ex theater kid. Also, I used to be pretentious and read Shakespeare's plays while in high school because it made me look smart. I've been out of school for 25 years so I can admit that now! But in all honesty, I didn't retain one damn bit of Shakespeare because I didn't understand much of it. I knew the answer because of this:

I'd like to thank the gay guy I dated in high school for introducing me to this movie so that I could one day help bring my team to another trivia victory! I have no idea why this scene stuck with me, but I'm glad it did.

I don't know why this tickled me enough for me to tell you about it, but I couldn't help it. I learned Shakespeare through Alicia Silverstone, in a movie based on a Jane Austen novel. If that isn't the most 90s thing I've ever said, I don't know what would be.

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