Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I never told you what happened with my Lit final. Let's just say, I love my teacher! I was completely freaking out while driving to school, but when I got there, I saw a girl from my class coming out of the door and I heard her complaining about the teacher. I thought "Certainly he can't have canceled class, it's the freakin' final!" So I went into the classroom and there he was. We talked for a second, because in a non teacher/student relationship parallel universe we would probably be really good friends, and he took up my extra credit assignment and said that was all. Apparently he just decided that he didn't want to give a final if he didn't have to. I must've looked alarmed because he told me I would do fine with my grades, so not to worry.

Whew! All that freaking out for nothing! : )

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