Thursday, December 30, 2004


Why is it called International House of Pancakes when CLEARLY, the architecture of the building is Norwegian?

Just sitting here at ye olde switchboard this morning until the operator comes back from her doctor appointment. So if anyone wants me to transfer them somewhere, give me a call at 837-3400. I'll be here until 9:00.

Speaking of doctor appointments, I have one today at 10:20. Mom finally wore me down enough to make an appointment to have the spot on my shoulder looked at, and I'm also going to talk to him about some kind of weight loss program. More than likely I'll sit in the waiting room for half an hour, wait in the actual exam room for another half an hour, talk to the doctor for about 15 minutes, and be on my way. I hate going to the doctor. Even if I go in for something simple, I'm scared they're going to give me a shot or poke me with something sharp. I have some kind of weird needle phobia. I thought I was over it, but last year when I went to get checked out for a sinus infection, they pulled out the needle and I broke into a sweat and started to panic. Yeah, fun stuff.

I was such an idiot. One of the girls I work with called up here and asked if I could work for her on saturday. "Sure, no problem" I said. After she hung up, I looked at the calender and realized that Saturday is New Years day. UGH. Oh well, I already said yes. What was I going to do?

The holiday season is almost over, so the only things I'll have to look forward to for a while is having dinner with a dear, but rather far away, friend of mine on the 4th and going to see the *trumpets please* Vincent Van Gogh exhibit in Atlanta on the 8th! Dinner was my idea (built, of course, on a long standing agreement that we will get together whenever we can). The exhibit was a Christmas gift from Josh. Woo-Hoo! Got to love a man who remembers that I basically go into a coma when I get near a Van Gogh.

That's all I can think of.

End. : )

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