Thursday, December 02, 2004


Have you ever overheard a conversation between two people who you didn't really know, and totally want to punch one of them in the neck? Normally I would never really be tempted to actually get turn around and say something to the people who were talking (I'd come home and rant to someone else, of course) but I actually wanted to pimp slap this girl.

Apparently she was telling her life story, because I heard all about how she is dating this guy who told her he doesn't want a comittment, but she wants to get him because she KNOWS he's the one whether he knows it or not, so she's basically been manipulating him to change his mind. It's insane. She also got upset because someone in his family was in some kind of accident or sick or something, and she was whining because he was upset and wanted some time alone, so that meant she had to sleep at her own apartment instead of going to his house. Wow, hope you weren't inconvenienced or anything, lady. She was also talking about how he's still friends with his ex-girlfriend, and she can't stand it. She was just being so mean and catty about everything, like she was convinced she deserved all of these things to go her way instead of being happy with what she has already. As for the jealous girlfriend thing, I've been there, but I don't know if I was at the level she was at. Sheesh, I want to warn the ex that she needs to run in the opposite direction as fast as possible or (if I'm being Evil Kelly) convince the ex to try and get the boy back...and succeed.

You know, I know this shouldn't bother me because I honestly don't know these people. It's none of my buisness, and you'll be glad to know that I didn't turn around and tell her that I wished I knew her boyfriend's name so I could call and warn him about what a psycho-hose-beast he's dating. I just bit my tounge and got away. Just barely.

I know, I know, I shouldn't have been listening, but it was like a car accident that everyone slows down to look at.

Why DOES it bother me, then? I have no idea. maybe I seriously need some St. John's Wart or something! : )

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