Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dear Soccermom,

Why is it when I see you on the interstate or even the highway, you will speed up, cut me off, or even practically run me down to get ahead of me in your giant Mini-Van or Hummer, but when I see you driving down the ONE street I need to get onto so that I can get out of the neighborhood, the street where I have very few windows between cars the evil crossing guards let through, you slow down so that the cars coming the other way are too close for me to get out by the time you pass? Is my SUV cammo not working anymore? Does the lack of magnetic soccer balls on the back of the Durango tip you off that I'm not really one of you? What did I ever DO to you people?!

Love, Kelly


In other news, I shocked myself by offering to work this weekend for guest services. Nothing big, but they are short of staff and some company is having a picnic here, so I will be handing out the movie tickes and arm bands to those guys. So if you want to come by and see me, I'll be one of the two behind the guest info desk. Wow, it's been five or six years since I stood behind that desk. I hope I remember how to be perky. *shudder*

I took a quiz in Algebra yesterday and completely bombed it. I know for sure I did this time. I studied and everything, but the quiz was given at the end of class, so by the time she handed out the sheet, I was confused with all of the stuff she had talked about earlier in class. My brain was not meant for numbers.

Tomorrow starts our fall break from school...all two days of it. It was weird not having to immediately do homework when I got home yesterday. I didn't know what to do with myself! I finally cut out the picures from Florida and taped them inside an album, but I'm going to have to redo them because it was a sloppy job. Tonight, if nothing happens, I will work on my lithography projects and get them ready to print, and do dishes. I've decided to take the original lithograph (you know, the vulgar one) and water color it as is. Then I'm going to wait until spring and enter it into the student art show! : ) I'll make up some lame artist-rant about how it's symbolic or full of angst. Who knows? That might work. Nothing else I've turned in has ever been accepted. It wasn't "edgy" enough! I mean, I'm edgy, aren't I? heeheehee. I'm about as edgy as a pillow.

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