Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I am an utterly low and common person. I know this because I've stepped back and analysed my feelings and realize that there is nothing good or honorable about any of them right now.

I wish I could elaborate, but it would involve revealing a side of myself no one knows about. The one that talks like Gollum (thanks, Jason), looks like Medusa, and would possibly boil a bunny if coerced in just the right way.

Sorry about that last one, I saw Fatal Attraction the other day and that seemed to be a particularly evil thing to do.

I need chocolate.

Anyway, on a nicer note: I got a proof back from the printer of the scavenger hunt booklet I did for Guest Services, and it actually looks pretty good with only a few very minor changes. I will have to replace two page numbers (because I reversed them), replace the logo (because it pixilated when it was printed), and there is a blank page at the end, a common problem with saddle stitched booklets, that I will add a graphic to. All in all, not bad for my first little publication. Go me. Whee.

Steve and I, and possibly our entourage, will be going to Carrabbas for dinner tonight. I'm so hungry, I could eat a moose. A Whole. Frikin'. Moose.

Speaking of Mooses... Monday night I was in the bedroom studying, and Steve called me into the living room. You will never guess what is hanging on our wall. A moose head. Oh, but not just any moose head, an INFLATABLE moose head. Apparently while hunting in the big, plastic forest, he snuck up behind that sucker with a needle and deflated the poor beast. Well, at least we have the majesty of his big, inflatable head to remind us of the wilderness. I swear, I would have fainted if it hadn't been so funny. I can't bring myself to ask him to take it down, yet. I mean, it's such a great compliment to our Big Mouth Billy Bass that sings "Take Me To the River" and our set of Dale Earnhardt commemorative plates from the Franklin Mint! ; )

Somewhere, Martha Stewart is writhing in agony...

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