Thursday, March 09, 2006

I have a new purpose in life. I am going to learn how to say "Your Mother" to Jason, the Office Sniper, in many different languages. If you know any obscure language and can tell me how to say it, I'd appreciate it. Please e-mail it phonetically, though.

That brings up another thought. I wonder if there are support groups for people who were Hooked on Phonics?

I'm feeling rather British today. I've been listening to "Goblet of Fire" while working and I've been listening to the reader's accent so much that I copy it without thinking. I'm bad about picking up accents, though. We had an exchange student from Germany who I'm sure thought I was constantly making fun of her. I couldn't help it! God help me if I ever get around someone from New England. Even with just the slight southern accent I have, that would probably make my head explode. It's bad enough that I have to teach myself to talk all over again when I spend the afternoon with my family. I end up sounding like one of the Clamppets.

I've been very productive today, although I'm sure no one who has been in my office today would think so. I spent hours cutting out vinyl lettering and other such things, but any time someone came into my office, I was eating lunch or talking on the phone. That's just my luck.

We drove down to Birmingham to visit Ms. Rhonda again last night, and she is way more alert than she has been thus far. Steve and his dad went to dinner while I stayed with her, and she was fine until the morphine kicked in. She had been talking about eating oatmeal and then she got stuck. She just kept saying "oatmeal" over and over. She finally stopped and told me she was going to just let the meds do their thing and she fell asleep. I read until Mr. Lee and Steve came back. Steve has been wiped out due to work stress (BTW, I am SO glad I'm not an IT person.) so he let me drive home. I say he "let me" because my driving scares him to death and he doesn't ususally want me to drive. I only saw him put on the passenger side breaks once. I think that's a record.

ACK! Now I know why is usually banned from the Sprocket network. I have a friend with a MySpace page that I wanted to read, and I just figured that I'd try and see if I could find a way onto the page while I was at work one day. Well, I was allowed in, and after I was done reading that page, I started searching to see if there was anyone else I knew who had pages. I actually found a page from an old friend from high school. I hadn't talked to him in a while so I went in and started looking at his profile and what not. Then I clicked on a link that said "More Pics" and I clicked on it, and OH. MY. GOD. There was a picture of him in his underwear. I know that it's not such a big deal, I mean he wasn't nude or anything, but I certainly wasn't expecting it! Of course, then I freak out because I'm on my work computer. I can just imagine the Internet Nazi finding this website on my history and coming down on me like a ton of bricks. So I attack the back button and try to back out and I don't know where I ended up, but I was staring at a picture of a guy who actually was naked! That website LIES when it says you can't post those kinds of things! I was within an inch of just jerking the cords out of the walls, but somehow I managed to just get the search engine turned off. I sat there for a moment, almost as if I thought that my CAT5 would magically explode out of the port and start flogging me, but it didn't. So far none of the computer guys has questioned me, but I'm certainly not going to try MySpace at work anymore!

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