Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Today has been quite the day for updating my blog, no?

I'm sitting at the switchboard again, because Karen is out sick.  I wasn't sitting here earlier, but the girl who was up here got bored.   Yay, bored!

I'm so hungry, I could eat a moose.  Not a chocolate mousse, but an actual moose.   A cold moose, even!  I didn't bring lunch, so I've been subsisting off of vending machine stuff, and that is never good when you're really hungry!!  Curses!

I have a crick in my neck that won't go away.  I need a massage or something to make it leave.  Maybe if I get someone from my office to punch me in the neck, it would go away.  Well, probably not, but I'm sure they'd have fun trying.   I'm sure a few of you wouldn't mind trying either!  ; ) 

Well, I'm off like a dirty shirt. 

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