Friday, February 25, 2005

Does it disturb anyone else when you go into a doctor's office and they have those posters on the wall showing you all of the horrible things that can happen to your body parts? You usually only see these things when you go into a specialist's office, though. You know, in a chiropractor's office they have this big illustrated poster that shows you bulging disks, misaligned spines and whatnot, and I've seen all manner of illustrated gastric maladies...shudder. Today in the eye doctors office I saw one of these same posters with all these gruesome eye injuries and problems. I'm thinking, hmmmm. Don't you think that the person in a doctor's office is already kind of worried about what the Dr. will say, and they don't exactly need to be worried by the threat of a bleeding eye leison? I mean, come on! OH! I also got my first retinal scan. I could hear the faint strains of the Mission Impossible theme playing in my head as this was going on. I have very interesting retinas. The Dr. let me see the images (and I got the feeling they do this to justify the use of what is obviously a frickin expensive machine). I have a slight astigmatism in one eye and my other eye is starting to fail slightly as well. I'm certainly not going to go blind anytime soon, but she said my sight was 50/150. I don't know what that means exactly. I got some cute glasses, and she said I can get contacts if I want them, so I'm going to think about that. I would like to be able to get dressed up without my glasses without having to be blind as a bat in the process. Maybe I can "make my brown eyes blue" too! heh.

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