Sunday, March 15, 2020


Steve had to go to work this morning. I was awake while he got ready, and so he explained Uber to me since I’ve never used it, in case I wanted to go somewhere. We are basically across the street from UCF, and maybe some shops, but I couldn’t think of anywhere around here I wanted to go that couldn’t wait until he got back. Once he was gone, I Basically I spent a cozy, sleepy, even slightly hedonistic morning buried in puffy hotel blankets and fifty giant pillows. Like God intended.  

Ok, actually, my hedonism got a little out of hand. I fell asleep again until almost noon. I regret nothing. I finally made myself get up and shower, so I could go get something to eat. I wasn’t hungry, but I knew if I waited, I’d end up hangry, and no one wants that. Steve actually got finished with his work for the day just after 1:00, so he and I had lunch together and came back to the room so he could finish some work stuff before a deadline.  

After he was done, we took a drive around where we are staying. Ostensibly, we were looking for a Publix so we could get a toll pass (hastared toll roads are everywhere) but we also stopped at a place called Kung Fu Tea and got boba. What I really wanted to do was go find the gift shop for UCF so I could buy a sweatshirt, but we never found it! If we did find it, we never found where we could park. It was so freaking frustrating. I mean, the campus is basically a series of concentric circles, so it shouldn’t have been hard, but it was. We basically followed the rule of “don’t make it hard for us to spend our money at your establishment” and we gave up. 

Today ended up being very chill and uneventful, but I didn’t mind. This isn’t a normal vacation, after all, and we have other stuff planned for the week, so it will get more exciting, I think! 

Addendum: My allergies have kicked in high gear. I don’t know what it is I’m allergic to, but I’ve been sniffing, sneezing, and coughing all day. I’m afraid that I’m going to get tackled by strangers and taken to a CDC facility before I can explain that I’m just allergic to the outside.

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