Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Well, I'm in a much better frame of mind today I think. I had a talk with Steve last night about the problem I've been having, and he forced me to be logical and wait to see what happens before I jump to the wrong conclusion. I also prayed about what to do, and right now it seems I should wait and see, so that's what I'm going to do. Don't worry, it's not a health issue or anything. It involves a friend of mine I'm worried about.
On to lighter subjects. Last night Steve, Josh, and I met at Barnes and Noble (gotta love a bookstore) and had frappachinos. How very townie of us, no? : ) We had a good time and we laughed a lot. I love being with my friends, I just wish all of my friends lived nearby. Two of my best ones live in Birmingham, so I don't get to see them unless we make special plans, but that's okay. We always have fun when we do that too. I keep up with them by e-mail, so I'm especially glad for the internet!
One of Josh's students came into the cafe and we flattered him beyond belief because he was in two plays that we had seen, and Steve told him how good he thought he did. He blushed and said "Thank's sir". Steve got "sir-ed"! He felt old all the rest of the evening.
Sara sent me a funny e-card from a place called or somethg like that. It was so cute. I need to get one of those shirts! : )
I had a lot more to say, but I can't remember any of the rest! I'll come back later!

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