Friday, March 12, 2004


You know, I was pondering something early this morning while getting ready for work. Women (and I say this without malice since I are one) are really odd. We will have our hair artificially colored or permed, we paint our faces and fingernails, we will chemically alter our reproductive cycles, and we will starve ourselves to be thinner. We have plastic surgeons cut us up, remove parts of our stomachs so we don't eat as much, and stretch, nip and tuck us (basically physically torture our bodies) to fit into societies ideal of beauty. We pretend to be dumber than we really are to keep some guys from being intimidated or act smarter so that some men will not be bored with us. We wear uncomfortable clothes that look silly because they are in style and we will wear shoes that give us back and feet problems because they are considered sexy. Most women (not all mind you) do one or more of these things to themselves on a regular basis. We spend most of our lives doing unnatural things to ourselves, BUT, we will spend all of our money, much more than necessary anyway, for products that have "Natural" ingredients. It seems a little absurd!
I'm sure that somewhere deep inside our collective unconscious (thanks Sartre) that we have a reasonable excuse for this, but I don't know why it is. I never really thought about it until I was in the shower this morning, and I was surrounded by the plethora of Bath and Body Works bottles, the Burt's Bees products, and shampoos whose list of ingredients read like the contents of a salad bar. Does anyone have any idea? I'd like to hear a couple of them! : )

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