Friday, February 04, 2022


 Hello to the three people who still read my blog! I shake you warmly by the hand!

1) We went to the Robert Burns dinner at our local golf club thing last week (wherein we don't play golf, we just go there for the food.)  It was a lot of fun! Apparently it's a big deal thing every year, but because of covid, they haven't been able to do the whole event justice until this year. Robert Burns was/is the national poet of Scotland and they celebrate his birthday every year with a themed dinner and bagpipes and poetry. 

Steve got very into the spirit by buying an entire Scottish outfit, kilt and sporran and everything. As much as I'd never envisioned him in such a thing, I thought it looked good on him. I tried to get into the spirit, but damn, an entire outfit of Highland Dress for a woman is freakishly expensive, so I ordered a kilt and a fluffy shirt, and wore our family tartan (well, Steve's family tartan, which I guess is also mine now, but whatever...) sash. We were adorable. Haha! 

They paraded the haggis around the room and we had pseudo Scottish food, and they did a scotch tasting, and read some poetry with fake Scottish accents that were terrible, and it was a lot of fun! The haggis wasn't bad at all, although I did find out later it wasn't exactly traditional. Apparently we have some FDA laws about serving legit haggis here in the US, but that's fine. It was still good!

Steve, Anthony and I have decided we want to go to Scotland for real someday, which I hope we actually do. Mostly they want to go to tour the distilleries. I want to go and pet (and possibly steal) a highland cow. I have already named her, and she will live in our backyard, and I will ride her to Target.

2) Y'all, Im disgusted to realize how much I've been relying on social media lately. I really feel like that shouldn't be a thing, but for the most part, that's how I talk to people now and it makes me sad. I keep catching myself compulsively checking the same apps over and over just to make sure people are still out there. I have fights with myself in the morning, heehee. I'll say, I know there is no response to my message on this particular app yet, so I won't check it. But then I'll say, BUT THERE COULD BE BITCH YOU DON'T KNOW! and I check it anyways. I have a very Sméagol/Gollum situation going on with myself sometimes! If the message is answered, I feel better, if not, I'm disappointed, and I know that's going to make my whole day down. However, that is how we communicate, so what can you do?

Of course, I'm also realistic enough to know that if we didn't have those things, there would be people I'd never hear from again. That also makes me kind of sad. I wonder how much effort we'd put into keeping up with friends if it required, you know, actual effort? The future is weird.

3) The weather in Alabama has been so odd lately! It was warm...too warm, and then we had tornadoes! Then snow! Then days and days of rain. Then there was another warm day and then more rain and more cold, and things like this are why going outside is a crap shoot this time of year and I never know what to wear. I know there is this odd thing called "layering" but I don't know how to do that and I'm afraid I'd get tangled up and suffocate trying to take off a sweater. Like a turtle in a fishing net. 

Can you imagine that being on your death certificate? Geez.

4) OOOH! As of right now, our trip to German/Austria/Prague with Steve's band is officially on! That will, of course, depend a lot on the public heath situation, but we might finally get to go! I'm ready. This dang trip has been hanging over my head for two years and I want to get it done! 

Even after two years of Duolingo lessons, I still don't know enough German to carry on a conversation, but I can ask for the essentials. Mr. Lee is going with us this time and I hope he has fun. Of course, he's been all over the world already, but he's never traveled overseas with us! I told him he has to listen to the tour guide and not wander off by himself (I am a very bossy daughter in law) but Mr. Lee is a honey badger and he doesn't care about rules! He will do what he likes! We might have to put an AirTag on him to make sure we know where he is. Heehee.

5) Oh, and speaking of traveling, we are taking Anthony to Gatlinburg. He has never been, and we decided that he needs to experience the glorious cheese of the place. If he doesn't come back with a Dukes of Hazard tramp stamp, then he will not have gotten the full experience. Gatlinburg is a place that people should visit at least once. There are better, less red-necky places (that I desperately, one day, would like to visit-please) but we want him to see it! 

6) I'm still working on my current model house. I had to cut all the electronics because I couldn't figure out how to connect anything. This one had too many wires and they wouldn't stay where they were supposed to! There is glue everywhere and I have purchased three more model houses/rooms. It's like an illness. Send help!


Anonymous said...

I am honored to be one of three who reads this blog! LOL!

I'm just going to keep commenting anonymously until you figure out who it is :P

Jigsawdiva said...

OMG when are you going to Gburg? I have been thinking about it obsessively for months to a year. I so much want to go. I want to go somewhere. I feel like I haven't been anywhere since Jon McGee memorial trip to Disney and when we went to the convention with you guys. At least next month I'll officially open my birthday planning grouptext. But maybe I ought to give up on that. It seems like I'm always hearing that Stephen was just here and that he's coming back or then I see a check-in that Greg's over there (and I know he goes places all the time for work and stuff) but I am wondering if I did something terrible and I probably did, but knowing this family they won't tell me what I did wrong for twenty years even when I keep asking, and then when somebody dies they say I can't ask anymore because somebody's dead and there's no point. If you think this is bad you ought to have read the overdramatic self-pitying paragraph I just deleted! Anyway we are coming To Huntsville the weekend of March 11. I'm sorry about Germany. I hope the Anonymous person is my mother posting from heaven because whoever it is sounds a lot like her! But if so I hope she doesn't read this comment

Jigsawdiva said...

I just read Anonymous's other postings, and now I am afraid he is a Ghostbuster and my joke about my mom was very bad.

Apologies for spiraling. I still feel like the kid nobody wanted to play with, but then I remember how everybody came to see me graduate and I realize I need to be more grateful for what I have. My family is my best thing, and when I daydream about getting a pool or hot tub or cabin my number is always six. It has to hold at least six at a time.

Thank you for coming to see me graduate. That was the last best day of my life