Monday, March 07, 2022


 1) Yuck, ya'll, it's such a dark and rainy day! The weather was supposed to get rough at some point, but apparently that didn't happen. Now it's just a slow, constant drizzle that will probably stop when the sun comes out and then get super humid because Alabama is usually a greenhouse from about now until next November. Not only that, but now just walking from the car to/from whatever building I'm currently in allows me to breathe in enough pollen to almost kill me. Spring is beautiful and it's warm, but it makes me feel terrible! 

2) Someone at church stopped me and asked me how I was doing since my surgery. I told them that I was fine, but having some trouble eating enough of the right things because I still get nauseous really easily. (I never know what to say to people who ask about what I had done, because I can't ever tell if they are truly interested, or morbidly curious, but I'm not coy about it.) So this grown ass man says "Well, you know, a lady I worked with had that surgery and all she ate was sweets and she died. You need to be careful so that doesn't happen to you too." I don't generally eat sweets, because they make me feel bad, but I can barely eat things I'm supposed to, so I don't think death by too much cake is what will get me. But, I mean, what a way to go, though, right?

It's bad enough that there are people absolutely disgusted at what I had done, that is hurtful in it's own way, but for people to keep warning me I might die at any moment because of it really sucks. I mean, yeah, I could get run over by a garbage truck at any point, too, but nobody says that to me on a regular basis!

3) Sorry if I seem a bit grumpy. I've been kind of, I dunno...blah...lately. Everything seems beige. I know that doesn't make sense to most of you, but beige is a blah color and everything feels blah. Maybe it's because lately it feels like I don't have a life, I have a routine. 

I'm not saying that because of anything bad happening, but I don't know what to do with myself lately. I work, I (have to) think about what to eat everyday so I apparently don't die or get scurvy, I sometimes work on my house models, and I watch YouTube videos. That's pretty much it. I don't even look forward to anything very often, either, so I feel kind of flat all the time.

I did had one thing this past weekend I was looking forward to, but that didn't really work out like I hoped. I tried to make the best of it for both of us, but I know my friend was preoccupied and had other things to do, so it wasn't their fault. I felt bad for taking up so much of their time. I just think I'm not great company these days. Eh, well. I'll try again at a better time! Onward and upward, right?!

4) We are going to see some of our cousins for dinner this weekend, and Steve and I are going to represent his company at a STEM event Saturday night, so maybe everything will stop being beige and have some colors soon.

5) Sorry for complaining. Maybe I need some endorphins, or serotonin, or cocaine. I'll figure it out! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read endorphins as "dolphins" LOL!

Side note: Did you know otters are very aggressive against alligators? Saw a youtube video on it the other day.