Friday, March 11, 2022


 1) I can't believe I forgot to mention that while we were in Tennessee, someone (he may have been drunk) mistook Steve for the guy from Pawn Stars. We were checking out at a store and he said "Oh, shit, you're the dude from Pawn Stars! you're not...but damn, you look like him! Are you sure you aren't him? Maybe I should get your autograph!"

I don't think Steve has ever been confused with a celebrity before, so he should have taken advantage of it and charged the guy $20 for a photo or something.

2) This week I have learned that grown ass, otherwise professional, men who had overbearing mothers/have overbearing wives will never, ever, be honest with any woman they interact with. They just tell you what they think you want to hear, even if it isn't what they want or need, and then hide from you and go quiet when you have questions that might be a little awkward so they can avoid any unpleasantness that might arise. It's the most infuriating thing, because it doesn't let you get anything accomplished, and I can only assume it's a survival instinct or something. It's really bad when it's obvious that's what is happening, but you can't get them to be clear, and no matter how honestly you tell them that you need to know what needs they have.

I wish there was a way to keep this from happening, especially when you need to know things to accomplish work, or have real questions that need to be answered. Do I need to wear a "I am a safe lady" vest or something? Geez. What a friggin' week.

3) OMG, I had the best, and most random meeting recently! I went with Steve to one of his cybersecurity social meeting things that they have once a month. I honestly don't know why he invited me, and I almost didn't go, but I figured that I should get out of the house a little (I've not been in the best place lately, brain wise.) The meeting was held at a local microbrewery, and while I was standing there feeling awkward and out of place, I suddenly look up to see a familiar face coming over to me.

When I was in high school I had a very close, very awesome friend who I spent tons of time with. He was awesome! We were in the marching band drum line together, and he was one of the most genuinely funny, fun, and nice people I'd ever known, and we were such great friends up until I graduated. In the way that leads on to way, he and I lost touch, but I never forgot about him. I'd seen him maybe three times since 1996, once when I went back to my old high school school for some event, once at his mother's funeral, and once out in the wild at a pizza place a couple of years ago, but there he was at the random microbrewery I was at! I was so glad to see him!

He was with some of his friends and work colleagues, so we didn't get to spend a whole lot of time together, but we did get to catch up and talk, and he is still funny, and nice, and pretty much an all around righteous dude. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw him again. What a great coincidence and it made my heart happy!

He's also single and has a dog, ladies, so let me know if you want to meet him. :)


Anonymous said...

Careful what you tell about drumline stories from back in the day.
Oh wait, some of that stuff was published in the local paper.

Anonymous said...

That thing about overbearing mothers and never telling the truth is so tragically true. I can think of two or three cases really close to me. I might be the overbearing mother in one situation. I hope you got some colors