Wednesday, November 09, 2022


 1) The other day I was watching Doctor Who (the regeneration episode of Jodie Whittaker's character) and there was this scene right in the middle that made zero sense, but it was so weird that it might be one of my favorite scenes of that show of all time. The bad guy (The Master - shut up, he's canonical) had time traveled to 1916-ish and set himself up as Rasputin (possibly actually being Rasputin, and not just pretending to be him...again, time travel) so that he could trap the Doctor in the ballroom of the Winter Palace and do some nefarious stuff. Believe it or not, it wasn't the nefarious stuff that didn't make sense.

So there they were, the Doctor stuck in a trap, surrounded by evil space robots, and The Master is walking around as Rasputin being menacing and unhinged. Then he does this:

It makes NO sense. It didn't do anything for the plot! I think it was literally only a scene created so that a guy dressed as Rasputin could dance in the Winter Palace to the Boney M song "Rasputin" and I wholeheartedly loved it.

I also now love the song. It's been stuck in my head almost daily for a month or so. I bought it on Apple Music and listen to it all the time. It takes three and a half "Rasputins" for me to get to work in the mornings. It's a fun song, but then again, I have a very soft spot in my soul for disco music, so maybe it's just me. It's a lot of fun, and you should listen to it, too!  (You can just listen to the song, though, and not have to watch the Doctor Who scene. I know you don't care for the show.)

2) Did you know that Steve planned a long, fun, not-work-related vacation in Florida for the week of our anniversary?  It wasn't with me, but at least one of us got to spend some time down there. 

I don't know why it bothers me, since our anniversary is never that big of a deal, but it's the principle of the thing.  At least he'll be back by the 11th unless he gets trapped there by the hurricane. Sorry, I'm a little bitter. It'll pass.

3) For Halloween, one of my coworkers brought in one of those plastic, almost human sized skeletons. I've named it Skelly Pratt and it's been in the office as a decoration since then. Every evening before I leave work, I move him to a new location and pose him doing some kind of boring office thing. It has become one of the things I look forward to every day, because being an adult is stupid and we have to find joy where we can.

I put the turkey hat on him today. I plan on decorating him for every holiday in the hopes that they will let it stay here with me all year. Today he's at the coffee machine.

Seriously, what is my life?

4) Is anyone else just not feeling the holidays this year? not to sound gloomy and I'm not quite to Bah Humbug status or anything like that, but it just feels like all of the stuff that is usually fun is just something I need to get over and done with so I can breathe again. Maybe I'll feel differently in the moment. I hope so! I'll be traveling out of state for work for a chunk of December, which is going to be a pain, but maybe I'll be allowed a little fun while I'm out there. I dunno. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

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