Thursday, November 03, 2022


 1) I got to wear three costumes for Halloween this year! Well, not all on Halloween, and not all at the same time, but over the week I got three different chances to wear costumes!  I haven't had that many costume changes since the boudoir photoshoot I did with that nice stranger on the internet!  

He still hasn't paid me for that, by the way. Huh. Anyway...

I FINALLY got to wear my Star Trek TOS uniform. I bought it years ago, and wherever I got it from (probably China) sent me a severely wrong size. Like, such a wrong size that I tried to put it on when I first got it and had a panic attack because I got trapped with it over my head and couldn't get it off. At any rate, while it's technically still very snug, it fit well enough for me to wear it to our office Halloween party! Everyone liked it! I did feel a bit exposed while wearing it, because the skirt was so short, but I wore dark stockings and didn't bend over in front of anyone. I don't see how any woman on the Enterprise could do their job in such scanty uniforms, but what do I know about working on a constitution class star ship? Maybe they didn't have to bend over very much.

I had to scrape together another costume for something called a "Dead Wine" party that the mother of a friend put on. We decided to go at the last minute, and since my Star Trek costume was damp from the washer (and washing it snagged a seam and took the gold off of my insignia) I put together a kind of Dia de las Muertas thing. I didn't want to be culturally insensitive, so I didn't do the calaveras face paint, but I did wear the flower crown. The shirt for my costume was too short and showed my torso, so I think I had my arms wrapped around myself the whole time to keep that hidden. 

A Dead Wine party is a neat concept. People bring their old and unloved bottles of wine that they don't want anymore, and the people at the party taste them to see if they like them. It's apparently a way to try new stuff and get rid of old stuff. I drank water, but it was fun to watch people who know wines trying everything, getting drunk, and talking about how gross some of it was. Steve and I had exactly one bottle of wine in our house, so it was sacrificed on the Dead wine altar. Apparently it was "Good, but sweet." Whatever that means. It was from Publix, so your mileage may vary. It was also from 2015, so technically it was old.

On actual Halloween I wore a Chewbacca dress. It was made to be subtle, so it wasn't like I was covered in fur and carrying a crossbow. IN fact, I think it might have been totally wasted because I had to wear a coat all day and I didn't go anywhere that night. but still....COSTUME!

2) Do you want to know what is humiliating? Finding out you've been muted on someone’s social media. They say you can’t know who mutes you, but there are ways to find out. Granted, it's not the slap-in-the-face kind of humiliating, but it's a creeping, heat crawling up the back of your neck kind of humiliating. I suppose this explains why I’ve been getting no responses from them.

Did I deserve it? I don't think so. I usually try to stay pretty neutral about things online, so the why part of it is unclear to me. It's also just embarrassing, especially when you don’t think there is a problem. I know the whole "mute" function is supposed to be a "nice" way to unfollow someone, but it isn't nice. If you're going to say "fuck you" to someone, say it loud enough for them to hear it. Geez. 

3) Things at work are still going well, but I am still 100% exhausted every day. I never knew there were so many things in the world to keep up with at the same time! 

Right now we are planning holiday parties in several different states, and it's...something.  There are so many little fiddly details and decisions to make, and when you have to keep up with things in 7 states, something is bound to fall through the cracks. I'm terrified we are going to forget something important, like paying for food or inviting people. There is a chance that some of us will have to travel to these different states to attend the parties and make sure that everything is going the way it's supposed to, but that decision seems to keep getting pushed off. I hope they don't put it off too long, because we have to actually have plane tickets and hotels and things. I dunno, it's kind of a mess, but we are hanging in there! I will be glad when this part is done with, though, because we've been running in high gear for weeks and my brain is fried. I wake up in the middle of the night worried about party details and whether or not we remembered to picke wines. I'm not sure I'm built for this kind of thing.

I'm also still working for the church, and unfortunately our congregation is dwindling, so there aren't as many people to do things as there used to be. I need a real vacation, but that isn’t going to happen. I’m so tired.

4) I keep buying converse shoes. I can’t stop! It started with a red pair, and then I got a black pair, and I keep finding colors that I want and it’s getting out of hand! I have a custom pair and I even bought a pink pair, and I don’t have anything pink to wear them with! They’re pretty much the only shoes I wear now, and I wear them with everything. I’m afraid wearing Converse has now become my personality. I may need an intervention.

5) Oh, speaking of social media, I joined Mastodon. I haven’t started using it yet. Mostly I did it to get my actual name as my user name. I only know one person on it so far, but no one who would bother to follow me back. I’ll need to find people eventually. I guess if Twitter goes kablooey, at least I’ll have a place for my nonsensical musings! I hope Twitter doesn’t get stupid, though. I like my little group of Twitter people. They are comforting! I’d hate to think the owner could screw it up so badly that he’d cause people to leave, but I think it could happen. Sigh. Stupid owner. I guess it doesn’t really matter. Everything ends.

6) I had a bunch of things to talk about, but now that I’m here, I can’t remember what it was! So I’m going to stop here and hopefully remember what I was going to say! 

I hug you!

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