Monday, June 05, 2023


I had the mother of all stress dreams.

I'm not going to give a blow-by-blow, but you know how sometimes you have a dream about going back to school and having to take a test you didn't study for and things like that? It was like that, but it wasn't just one thing, it was all the things.

The Gist: I went on vacation with Steve and some other people, but when we got to the resort, we found out that most of the staff were not there because of a scheduling snafu. Since I wanted everyone else to have a good time, I went to the manager and said if he told me what I could do, I'd work for the week to help fill in the gaps in staffing.

Everything went wrong. I couldn't get a uniform right away. No one would tell me what to do or how to do what I needed to do. I couldn't have fun with the people I had gone on vacation with, but I couldn't be mad because I'd volunteered to work! I didn't know how to be a waitress and I was afraid the rich, mean people would yell at me. Then the resort flooded, floating and water to our knees flooded. Apparently, what pushed the whole dream over the edge was when I went into the bathroom to pull my hair back so it wouldn't be in the way, I saw that it had started falling out. I woke up in a panic over that.

That dream was so vivid and real that I still expect to look in a mirror and see that I've gone bald.

What could cause a dream like that? Geez.

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