Monday, June 20, 2016



I felt a great deal like Bilbo Baggins when I woke up this morning. I didn't have a magic ring or a quest to find a Dragon or whatever, but I was going on a journey. I was going to do a thing I'd never done before and travel overseas to Ireland!

Steve joined up with a new band called the Twickenham Winds, which is another community band, and they were going to go on tour in Ireland this summer. They could take family and friends along, and I qualified! Yay!

We got on the road mid morning, and for anyone who has traveled the road from Huntsville to Atlanta, you can probably guess there was a whole lot of nothing to see between each city. We only had one delay, a very bad 18 wheeler accident, but we made it to the Atlanta airport early enough to get checked in and settled at the gate way before we needed to be there.

There was a problem about the flight, though. I guess because the travel agent who made our plane reservations bought a big section of seats, Steve and I were not scheduled to sit together. I was unhappy about that, of course, because I don't want to take such a long trip seated next to a perfect stranger. Steve thought that we could get whoever was seated next to him to switch,
and he very kindly did, so we got settled in and went on our way.

One weird thing about this flight was that they kept giving us food. It's not a bad problem to have, obviously, but it was new to me. Twenty minutes into the flight they gave us a snack. A bit after that they gave us dinner (and gross, by the way.)

At least the cheese and crackers were good!

 After a while they turned off the lights so could sleep, but that was a joke! We were crammed into tiny spaces without hardly room to recline the chairs, so there as no getting comfortable enough to go to sleep. I might have dozed a bit, but that was all! It was a long, uncomfortable flight. One neato thing, though, was that we crossed the international date line and I watched it happen!

After about twenty years, we were almost to our destination and I found myself at what would have been about 2:30 am at home, staring at a bright blue sky and trying to put on makeup without a mirror so I wouldn't scare the locals when we deplaned.

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