Wednesday, September 13, 2017


1) OK, so this is new.  Did you know that I have a form of OCD?  I sure didn't.  I don't have to touch the doorknob 23 times before leaving the house, nor do I aggressively clean and organize the house (which is really too bad) but apparently it has to do with my thought patterns.  You know how I tend to get a song stuck in my head for days and days?  That is a part of it!  How weird is that?

I had to go to the doctor a few weeks ago for a checkup and I told her about my panic attacks.  I don't know what I thought she could do about them, but it's certainly not normal to wake up in the middle of the night almost every night with the feeling that the world is going to end, right?  So, as I'm explaining this to her, she asked if part of these panic attacks included thoughts that seemed to overwhelm me, and I told her yes (because that's how panic attacks work) and so she put me on medicine for them.  I was not happy. The surgery I had not long ago was specifically done to take me off of one of the two prescriptions I've been on, because I was tired of taking pills, and now I have to take an antidepressant of all things.

Don't get me wrong, it does help the thought looping.  I'm good with that, I guess.  I still wake up with the physical symptoms of the panic attacks, and I gain weight super easily, and I can't focus for shit on anything for more than 25 minutes or so, but at least I don't have Fat Bottomed Girls looping through my head on a daily basis.  Silver lining.

2) I heard the robot voice again.  Steve and I were sitting at the table looking at some papers and I heard the freaking robot voice again, and Steve didn't hear it and he wouldn't believe that I heard anything!  I promise you, I'm not crazy and I don't normally hear voices, but I swear I heard the robot voice outside of our house again!

I swear on the manger of sweet baby Jesus, that if this is some kind of joke he's playing on me, like when he made my computer talk to me, I will beat him to death with my shoes.

3)  I had an odd, but funny, experience the other day.  Ok, maybe not as odd as the robot voice (THAT I SWEAR IS FREAKING REAL, YOU GUYS) but still odd.  I'm not going to use names, because that would be unnecessarily telling, but almost anyone who personally knows me will know who I'm talking about!

OK, so someone I went to school with is kind of famous now.  Not super, everyone would know his name kind of famous, but famous in a certain circle.  He and I were pretty good friends back in the day, but I haven't actually seen him in person since we graduated from high school.  I've kept up with him on social media, which is why I know he's kind of famous, and I've been following his career with interest because, hey, we were friends and it's neat that he's doing his thing and doing well in it.  Good for him!  Not long ago, I happened to see him out in the wild, so I ran up to him and gave him a big hug (like I do) and we started talking a little bit.  Of course I asked him about his career and all of that, but mainly I just wanted to know how he was doing.  While we were talking, I started noticing that he was talking to me the way you'd talk to a little kid.  There was a lot of wide eyed, somewhat disingenuous, "Oh really? Wow!" type of reactions to the things I said.  I didn't think anything of it at first, but as we kept talking, I realized that he wasn't talking to me like an old friend, or even really listening to me.  He was talking to me like he would talk to one of his fans!  Full disclosure, while I do follow his career, I don't actually buy his merchandise or go to his events, so I wouldn't call myself a fan!  I didn't really know what to do, but I didn't want to make it weird by laughing at him, so I just told him I had to go and waited until I was far enough away to laugh.  It was very odd to see someone you spent nearly every day with from 8th-12th grade and be treated like a stranger who's asking for an autograph, but there ya go!  Haha!

4) There was more, but that "not being able to focus" thing has robbed me of my memory!  Maybe I was going to talk about something awesome, maybe not.  I'll probably remember in an hour when I'm nowhere near a computer.  Oh, well.  We'll pretend I wrote something super interesting here, ok?!   

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