Thursday, August 09, 2018


1) I meant to tell you about this when I was writing about out trip, but I forgot.

One of the weirdest things I saw in Paris were the groups of soldiers walking around in the city. That shouldn't be weird, considering that I live in a town with an Army base, but these soldiers seemed ominous in some way.  There were always four of them walking in formation, wearing fatigues, carrying automatic weapons and not talking to anyone.  They were on some sort of patrol, I suppose. I know that there have been terrorist situations where people have run vehicles into crowds of people in Europe, so I suppose that was what they were on the lookout for, but it was kind of scary!  It wasn't the guns that bothered me (I mean, let's be serious, where I live even your morticians have a conceal carry permit in case of the zombie apocalypse) but I think it was that the out-of-placeness (I know there is a word for that, but I don't know what it is) that felt so weird. I also noticed that the cops there had very obvious guns.  I dunno, maybe I just didn't expect to see guns at all over there, so it was a bit jarring to be walking along the Seine and suddenly having to move out of the way of the soldiers with big-ass guns.

Shout out to them for protecting my American behind in their country though!

2) I've gone back to Boot Camp after taking a month off and it was a tough reintroduction! Granted, I know that the class (a mixture of strength and resistance training and cardio) isn't that intense, but for me, a giant marshmallow filled with pudding, it's hard!  The first day back I almost threw up, which is so embarrassing. The poor instructor has been scared every since we met that I'm going to pass out or throw up at some point. It's not that the class is that intense or that I'm that big of a weenie, I just have terrible balance and I get motion sick very easily for some reason and we move around a LOT.

Other than that, though, I'm still enjoying it and I'm getting a little better!  I did a plank correctly for the first time!  That is huge for me!  I also have a muscle in my stomach now!  It's nowhere close to being an actual ab or anything like that, but I know it's there. Buried. Like a shoe box under a pile of laundry!

My weight loss has stalled and keeps trying to reverse, to my great chagrin. That is my fault, as I am heartily tired of the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I am still working on it, but now that I'm allowed food, I do tend to eat things I'm not supposed to have and we've gone out to dinner at restaurants several times, but I really don't understand the extent of the gaining. At the most I should be maintaining my weight, but no.  I keep gaining and losing the same five pounds over and over, which sucks.  I need to get back into my good head space, because I need to lose about five more pounds, which is proving to be really freaking hard.  Also, I'm afraid once I'm not going to the weekly meetings, I'm going to lose my motivation and regain all the weight I lost, and I desperately don't want to do that.  It's all so hard and frustrating. I want to be healthy and fit (I don't care much about being skinny, but I'd like to be comfortable in my own skin and I'm not quite there yet) but I also want to eat delicious food. It is becoming apparent that you can't do both.

I've actually been keeping a weekly video diary of the process, which is funny going back to look at them. I'm thinking about editing some of it together and posting it here. It is truly a timeline of all of this madness!

P.S. I skipped this week's meeting because I needed a week off from being weighed like a cow. I'm calling it a mental health break.

3)  I wish there was more to tell!  Not a lot going on at the moment, but that's ok. I'm at least making myself do some crafts instead of only sitting around watching videos in my spare time, and I ordered some stuff to do a fairly elaborate project that I've never tried before, so that should be fun!  I hope your days are much more exciting than mine! In a good way, of course, not in an "we have to hide from flesh eating platypodes" kind of way.  Although that WOULD be exciting! 

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