Tuesday, March 27, 2018


1) Guess what?!  Actually, I may have mentioned this before, but I can't remember, so I'm mentioning it now.  Steve's band is going on tour again this summer in Spain and we are also taking an extension trip to France afterwards!  Woo-Hoo!  More world traveling!

It's still too early to do very much to get ready for the trip, but one thing we have done is check with our doctor about getting any vaccinations that we might need.  I know Spain and France are not third world countries where we'll get African Snow Giraffe Pox or anything like that, but apparently we were supposed to have gotten some kind of vaccinations before going to Ireland, so we checked and as it turns out, we needed vaccinations for Hep A and B. That is a series of three shots over several months.  Greeeeeeeeeeat.  When I called to make the appointment, they also discovered that I haven't had a tetanus/diptheria/whooping cough booster shot since I was 14, so I was going to have to get that as well.  Whee.

So I got my booster shot and my first Hepatitis shot (I didn't scream or faint, thankyouverymuch) and the next day my arm felt like the Incredible Hulk punched me.  It didn't help that I got the shots after a boot camp session where we did a lot of upper body work, so I feel like I have the flu on one side of my body.  This trip to Spain better be freaking worth it.

2) The behaviorist gave me a new task to do and I can't help but laugh about it.

One of the tricks that he has give the participants in our program is that we need to put ourselves on a points/award system. Actually, it isn't a bad idea, because it gives you something to work towards and it helps you get a tangible reward for doing the things that you need to do.  Classic carrot and stick kind of thing, right?  We pick a specific thing that we want, but can't justify spending the amount of money it costs to get it for no reason.  We then pick 4 activities that we have to do, assign each thing an amount of points, and keep track of what we are doing and at the end of each week, we pay ourselves (actual money, because this guy doesn't play around) and when we finally hit our goal, we can buy whatever it is we chose.

The reason it's funny to me is because I tried that before.  Well, sort of.  I did that, but instead of working on the points system, I put aside a certain amount of money into a savings account every week and told myself that when I lost my goal amount of weight, I'd use that money to buy something (I think it was a necklace or some other frivolous thing that maybe cost $150 dollars, but I can't remember exactly.)  So that's what I did.  Every week, I'd put the cash aside and save it.  As it turned out, I never lost my goal amount of weight.  In fact, I can't say I lost any weight at all.  I also didn't buy myself the necklace I wanted.

Instead, I ended up buying a car.  That's how much I didn't lose weight.  Haha, so I'm not sure this points system will work for me.  Silver lining, though, is that maybe I'll be able to buy a houseboat or something this time!  :)

3) I'm almost done with my first virtual race.  Whee!  I'm just going to start another one when I'm done, though.  You should do one with me!!!!  The app is called yes.fit.  Do eeeeeeeet.  I need people to compete against.  You'll probably win, but still...shiny medals and the knowledge that you kept me motivated!

4) I can't remember what was supposed to go here.  Please pretend I was witty and insightful, and maybe made you tear up with joy. :)  Oh, and if you can go ahead and add a random, life affirming quote after that, I'd appreciate it.

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