Saturday, April 21, 2018


I've written, like, three different things here and nothing was worth saving.  I could have just deleted everything and not published anything, but damnit, I came here to write a thing.  It isn't my fault that nothing interesting came of it!

Sorry.  I'm alone and bored and my friends live in different states than I do and I don't have time before church tomorrow to drive to see either of them because Indiana and Georgia are too far for impromptu drives.  Eh, well.  I don't mean to complain, I'm just restless.  Everything will revert back to normal tomorrow, everyone will be home, another week will start, and that is just full of possibilities, isn't it?

Anyway...I hope your day was marvelous, whatever it consisted of!  :)

PS: I found out that I might be slightly allergic to cayenne pepper.  What a weird thing to be allergic to.

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