Sunday, November 12, 2006

Premature Weekend Update!

It's actually Sunday morning, but I decided to go ahead and do my weekend update! Go me!

Friday was the longest day in the history of long days. We had a new girl start in out web position, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to nail her office door shut. Don't get me wrong, she is very nice and I like her a lot, but she hovers. Granted, she doesn't know anyone and is just wanting to be friendly, but geez. She came into my office three times and stayed for long periods of time. I was even wearing my headphones and listening to an audio book while I was working, and she kept talking. At the end of the day, she came into my office and stayed two solid hours. I can't wait until she gets some stuff to do. I wouldn't ever hurt her feelings for anything, but I'm afraid if this becomes a habit, I'm going to snap. Friday night, Steve and I went to dinner with Anthony. He has some anger issues he's working on, so we tried to keep him cheerful. :) We had dinner at Beaureguards (yum) and we were going to go for fro-yo at TCBY, but it was closed! Not for the evening, but closed for good! OH THE HUMANITY! After that we walked over to Books-A-Million and hung around for a little while. Can someone please explain to me why BAM feels it necessary to keep the art and design magazines directly underneath the gay pride magazines? I could actually care less about what new TV star (ahem....Doogie) has just come out of the closet, but now the guy who stocks magazines thinks it's a favorite subject of mine. To be clear, I was looking for a specific art magazine, so that's why I was at that section. SIGH.

Saturday was mine and Steve's 6th wedding anniversary. We didn't have anything really planned like we did last year, but we had at least decided to go to breakfast at the new Cracker Barrel that they built on Drake Ave. You can sit on the front porch and look out over Wal-Mart. Very scenic. I can't wait for the novelty to wear off for that place. It was PACKED beyond safe numbers. It took Steve and I forever to eat, but it was good. I haven't had breakfast there in so long! We were going to get our Anniversary gift from there, but we had a hard time finding anything. Apparently, year 6 is candy or iron. How they paired those two, I'll never know. We finally found a section of cast iron skillets and stuff, but people were standing in front of it and wouldn't move. We finally made someone uncomfortable enough to walk somewhere else -I knew Steve was good for something!- and picked out one of those cast iron stove top griddles/grills. This Austrailian lady helped us decide. She said you can make good steaks on them. :) After that we went home and watched some movies. I worked on some Christmas gifts, and then because God apparently has a very strange sense of humor and a grudge against me, we found that the entire series of Star Wars movies was playing on Cinemax. All Day. Over and over. Episode 1 through Return of the Jedi. All. Day. Long. So that's what we did that night. Well, we did stop watching long enough to play a short and rather one sided game of Star Wars Trivial Pursuit. I'm sure you can guess who won that game! : )

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