Monday, August 25, 2008


Anonymous said...

It's pretty, but what is it, exactly?

Anonymous said...

Are you a chef or an artist? In other words, did you make it or did you just realize its artistic worth? Garry always says "Presentation is the key!"

(He has never forgotten when our neighbor dropped in---this was over in Canton when we were newly married--at suppertime. I had something served on wrinkly aluminum foil, pretty bad, but worse, I had something served on the pan lid)

But we WERE at the table, not at the tv, where we can usually be found nowadays.

Tae said...

It's a grape suspended in Jell-O. I just liked the picture. I've been told that I'm getting too personal on my blog, so I'm going to post pictures until things aren't quite so personal.

Don't worry, I have only eaten at my table twice since I got it!

Anonymous said...

If you are not personal, how are we to know how you are doing? Was this a FRIEND who chose to criticize your blog at this time in your life?

I guess to suit the critic, you can do happy pictures or sad pictures. Would we recognize a just okay, just getting by, picture?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was peach jello in the shape of a peach. I hoped it meant you were peachy.

Anonymous said...

My guess is it is someone who thinks matters would be best served by not making every step a very public process?
I could see that.

Tae said...

It wasn't just one person, but several people who didn't think I was being appropriate. It's ok, though.

Anonymous said...

Do what you have to do. Love you

Anonymous said...

Some people are idiots. It's your blog, write what you want.

Chani :)

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