Sunday, October 25, 2009


I can't decide if I am bored, or boring.

Steve had to go on a business trip last Wednesday, and I absolutely did nothing of note or merit the entire time he was gone. It wasn't because I didn't want to do anything, I promise. It was because I couldn't think of anything to do!

Usually when he has to go out of town, I do things he doesn't like to do. This time, though, I was completely useless. Well, not completely useless. I did laundry. I tried to make cheese straws. Well, let's just say that if Fail was cheese flavored, it would taste like my cheese straws! Heeheehee. I also made cupcakes for the pot luck we had at church on Saturday. They weren't pretty, but they at least didn't catch on fire or anything.

I think I've lost my will to be interesting. I don't know. It's disheartening. I'm 31 and I've run out of things to do!



Kenny said...

If fail were cheese flavored ... I am ripping it off and using it liberally.

You just need a new hobby, like hanging out more with us!

Annie said...

Yes, hanging out with us would be a totally legitimate hobby! I would even eat cheese flavored fail if it meant you'd hang with us!