Friday, August 01, 2008


I checked the tracking on my blog and realized I've been found by more than one person who has been typing the words "FFA + Pantyhose" into the search engine. Apparently, sometime in the past I have mentioned the time I interviewed for a district officer position (which I didn't get, sadly) and the fake tattoo I had on my ankle (and forgot to take off before the interview) could be seen through my pantyhose.

I can't imagine what would be the purpose of searching for those two particular words together unless there is some strange facet of the FFA (Future Farmers of America, for the unwashed) that wasn't in play during my years in the club. Of course, they could just be curious about official dress for a girl, in which case I might can help. It's been 12 years since I donned the corduroy jacket, but here is what I remember: White shirt with a collar, official FFA ascot (very sexy), black skirt or slacks, hose, black shoes, and the ever stylish National Blue & Corn Gold FFA jacket zipped up.

Hope that helped.



Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to even type in FAA + pantyhose. It my interfere with chastity!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to even type in FAA + pantyhose. It my interfere with chastity!!!

Kenny said...

Sorta makes you wonder about the image search ... Yeah, mind your Google filters when you do that ...

Anonymous said...

I think that you should post the pic to the blog.