Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I'm Freakin' Out Man...

Well, not really, but for some reason I'm hyper-hyper, like when you have too much caffine or sugar. I haven't had any caffine except for one piece of chocolate early this afternoon, and nothing other than a mug of hot chocolate after that which might cause a sugar problem. Eeeeeeeshhhhhh, it's weird. However, I now have a newfound love for hot chocolate with marshmallows. I've never really cared one way or another, but right now, I wish I had a giant tub full of hot chocolate and marshmallows that I could sit right in the middle of. That would be weird though. Who knows, maybe I can oppress my newfound passion on one or another of you soon. Not the sitting in hot chocolate thing, but the drinking of hot chocolate thing. It's really sad that I have to clarify that, huh? : )
Meanwhile, back in reality... I don't think I'm going to do well at all in my Contemporary Art and Issues class. I'm just not an analytical thinker, and you have to be that to do well. *Irritated* *Not just irritated, but depressed too* I still have 21 classes to go, and it's all because of the stupid minor I'm being forced to have. I suppose that the administration feels that since I'm an art major (and if I hear one more 'do you want fries with that' joke, I'm going to snap like a bean) it's best if I have a minor so that I can find a job. I don't want a job in my minor, I want to be a graphic artist and design wedding announcements and stationary! IS THAT SO WRONG?!
Anyways, It's almost time to go home, and I'm glad because I'm hungry and I don't want vending machine stuff. I bought SO many groceries last night so I should be able to find something. Steve is going out with Lee tonight so it will be a meal for one again.
I'm off like a dirty shirt!

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