Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas!

So here I am, sitting at my computer on the Christmas morning of my 26th year, thinking about all I have to do before we head out to see my parents and wishing there was still more time in the day. Today I'm feeling a little blue, but I'm not sure why. Don't worry, it isn't a deep blue, but just a delicate light blue.

I love Christmas, really I do. I love visiting my family, singing Christmas carols, eating way more than is decent, and giving presents. We had a great time at my Grandmother's and Steve's parent's house yesterday. I got to see all of my sweet little cousin babies and all my older sweet, but not so little, other cousins. I had my Grandmother's dressing, which is heaven on earth thankyouverymuch, and we opened our gifts at the Pratt's. We can never wait until Christmas day! It's strange when you get to be an adult and you realize that you don't anticipate Christmas like you used to. Even as a teenager I held my breath for Christmas. Now it's all about getting ready, going, making sure everything is done, and then going back to work when it's all over. I miss the Christmas afterglow, don't you? When you're a kid, you sit back, covered in whatever you got, watching TV or whatever, and Christmas seemed to last until whenever you had to go back to school. There is one thing I'm grateful for now that I'm an adult. Christmas has a whole new meaning for me. It isn't about getting gifts and Santa Claus, but I've finally realized that being with the people you love and having those around you be happy is one of the greatest things about this holiday. Of course, I don't get to be with all the people I hold dear, but I still hear from them and think of them and e-mail/talk on the phone with them, and that is great too. I just hope everyone out there has a great holiday and can remember at the end of the day that if you can reach out and touch someone that you love or who loves you, nothing else matters.

With love to my friends and family, Merry Christmas!

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