Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's official. I can't take me anywhere.

At the risk of sounding all girlie (and that sounds weird to some people, but when the majority of your friends are guys, they do forget you are a chick sometimes and become alarmed at feminine emotions. Therefore I always warn when it's about to happen.) I had to walk around Target yesterday pretending that tears were a result of some kind of violent allergy problem. Yes, I was crying at Target. Why is this, you may ask? Well, I did a stupid thing. I went to PetSmart while they were having a pet adoption. You all know my soft spot for puppies, or you should at least if you know me well. I walked up there determined that I wouldn't fall in love with any dogs and I'd just take the opportunity to see, and possibly hold, a puppy. Well, that was stupid. Almost the first thing I see is a pen full of Labridoodles (or maybe mutts, if you want to call a spade a spade) and they were all sleeping and being puppy-like. I wanted to pet them, but I knew if I did, I'd be in trouble. So I turned to the next pen and there was a black puppy that reminded me of Bear when he was about 12 weeks old. He was all alone, and he had his little paws up on the edge of the fence wanting attention. So I reached down to love on him and that's where I got into trouble. The lady who was watching over him told me his brother had just been adopted and this little guy was sad and confused. I bent down to see him better and he put his paws up on my shoulders and nosed the side of my face. The dog hugged me! I suddenly knew how Angelina Jolie feels like when she goes to a new country and sees a child she wants to take home! So I put his paws back on the ground and went on to Target. I wanted that dog, people. It was only the knowledge that A) Steve would be pissed and B) the killer B's would eat him, that restrained me from grabbing that dog and running towards the car. So I wound up trying to look allergic rather than sad as I walked down the sidewalk away from him.

Somtetimes being soft-hearted SUCKS!

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