Thursday, April 05, 2007


1) Just a bit of advice: Try not to wear a wrap dress on a windy day. I learned this the hard way, and so did that nice family from Michigan. Sorry, you guys!

2) Apparently my adolescence-long fixation with 4-inch high heeled shoes did not give me an eternity of balance. I wore low heels today and I walked like a new born moose. Had I knobby knees, the picture would have been perfect. Thank goodness I haven’t fallen yet! I used to be able to run in heels. Oy, getting old sucks.

3) I only have 6 more classes to go! Six! Six! Woo-Hoo! *Does the proverbial dance of joy*

4) I was supposed to do a class presentation today and got all set to present, but the teacher kept us busy reading Othello all class period. I had psyched myself up all day for this, and now he expects me to do it next Thursday! Woe to he who diverges my creative flow! WOE!

5) I was feeling snacky when I got back from school today, so I stopped by the break room to grab some chips. Our employee break room has the single oldest vending machine on earth in it, and it never fails that at least 3 out of 5 things will get stuck on the spiral thingie before it falls. Today it was my turn. Apparently the chips didn’t get stuck so much as they hovered in mid air in front of the spiral thingie, so I rose up righteous and beat the machine within an inch of it’s miserable life. I got my chips, though! That machine BETTA RECOGNISE!

6) I have 100 cranes! Only 900 more to go!

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