Wednesday, August 26, 2009


1) I wish that I could be neighbors with Neil Patrick Harris and his boyfriend. I want to have dinner parties with them and be godmother to their dog. I also want Mr. Rogers to be my neighbor on the other side. Of course, I think that he's technically already everyone's neighbor. Anyways, that's how I feel about things this morning.

2) Steve downloaded a bunch of TV theme songs and we listened to then while getting ready this morning. I realized that I must have watched a LOT of TV growing up because I knew most of the words to everything. I'm not sure how that makes me feel!

3) I found a use for some of my vodka last night! I made scones, and apparently alcohol keeps gluten from being able to form as easily in some baked goods, so I sprinkled some in. Worked like a charm! It was only a teaspoon, but at least it's not just sitting there anymore!

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