Thursday, November 17, 2005

I am officially an idiot.

This morning Steve had to get up early and go to work, so since I was already awake, I got ready and came into work almost an hour earlier than normal. I had to make a vinyl label for the Harry Potter banner (which will be shown in IMAX here at the SpRocket in February along with Batman Begins (movie, not just banner)...just FYI) and I was also going to get organized for going to take my math exam. I had a chance to look over my work, and I got my study sheet together so I could do some last minute cramming once I got to school. In an attempt to be organized, all I grabbed was my study sheet and my purse. In my head it made sense. Not as much to carry, less to worry about. Well, I get to class, and almost immediately realize that when I was being so smart by leaving my backpack behind, I also left my homework behind! There was not enough time to go back and get it, and the teacher will not take it after the class period, so I was boned! The sweet, nice, wonderful girl who sits next to me loaned me some paper and her book, and I got as much done as I could before the teacher came in. It wasn't enough to make a passing grade, but it least I will have something other than a zero. I wrote a note explaining what happened, but I'm pretty sure the teacher won't care one way or the other. I was so irritated with myself that when I got my test paper, I couldn't even concentrate. So I am pretty sure I bombed that test too. In the immortal words of Charlie Brown "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!"

Nelson The Super Engineer once again explains something I didn't understand. If you look below to my Saturday post, read the comment he left that explains how a CPAP machine works. I had no idea it inflated you! I've got to think of another hard question to ask and see if Nelson can answer it! : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm....Did you ask a question? I didn't know I was answering a question. I wasn't attempting to answer a question. That is not the effect I was going for. I ventured off the logical path and entered the mysterious world where all thought is not always rational and attempted humor. *Rolls up newspaper and smacks himself*, Bad Engineer!
