Tuesday, November 15, 2005

You know, if you have access to Steve today, beg him to sing "Lapti Nek" and do the Star Wars dance!

Well, we went back to NovaCon on Saturday night to get Dirk Bennedict's autograph, and he wasn't there...again. Apparently it just wasn't in the cards for us to meet the Faceman. When we got there, we found his table, but he wasn't there, so we stood around and waited for a while to see if he would come back. I should have figured out that he was gone for good when I didn't see any pictures on the table, but I wasn't thinking. We had been there three times, and hadn't seen him, so I got irritated. I didn't go away completely empty handed, though. I took Dirk Bennedict's coffee mug.

Don't judge me!

On Monday in Art History, we had a very interesting guest speaker. She was talking about, and you'll need to forgive me for not remembering the exact title of her lecture, but she was talking about the interuse of Islamic, Christian, and Jewish artistic styles and images within Medieval Spain. It probably would have been more interesting to me had I not been sitting beside the person I was. She shall remain nameless, but I have known her for years. She is what I think of as being a "Shake-a-snake" Baptist, or in laymans terms, a very, very scary protestant. Now, before anyone gets offended, let me just say that normally I don't have a problem with anyone who is strong in their faith. In fact, I commend their dedication. However, this particular person is of the religious school that immediately and violently rejects the very idea of another kind of belief system if it differs with her own. I don't mean she doesn't want to believe anything else, but I have gotten the feeling that she takes personal offense with the fact that other beliefs exist.

But I digress.

During the lecture, the guest speaker is being very careful not to step on anyone's toes. When it comes to religion, you have to tread lightly, I know this. However, I also know that in a situation (such as art history) where you are going to be faced with ideas different than the ones you have, you have to let some things roll off of your back. If you don't, you will never be able to understand what the image or object is about. Well, the guest speaker goes on to make a statement that could have been seen as anti-Christian. It wasn't, but her choice of wording was unfortunate. I knew this, everyone else in the room knew this, but in the desk next to mine, I feel the girl get tense. I look over at her and she's ramrod straight and staring down at her notes. I can just tell she is using immense restraint not to say something. All I could think of was, please don't do anything, please don't do anything... She didn't, thank goodness. However, I could feel waves of disapproval coming off of her for the rest of the lecture. By the time the lecture ended, I was in the early stages of a plan that would have included me throwing a coat over her head and kicking her legs out from under her if I needed to, but I'm really glad it didn't come to that!


We have this security guard that works at the SpRocket that kinds of scares me. I don't know what it is about him exactly, but he has this "It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again" quality about him. I'm sure he would be a nice enough guy if I ever got to know him, but he gives me the heebs. He looks a LOT like the guy who played the Green Goblin in the first Spiderman movie.

Stupid rain. I watch all of three shows on TV these days and weather reports have broken in and displaced two of them today! Granted, I suppose I need to know if I'm going to get blown away by a tornado or something, but DARN IT I wanted to see "My Name Is Earl" and "The Office"!

This will mark me as a helpless dork, but we all know my fondness for Napoleon Dynamite, right? Well, I don't normally like all of the cheesy stuff that is marketed out for the movie. You know, like the dolls (oops, sorry Steve, I meant Action Figures), and stuff like that. Well, a couple of months ago, I was at Wal-Mart and I saw this key chain that played sound bites from the movie when you pushed each of the 6 buttons. I bought it. I don't know what posessed me, really, except for the fact that I wanted it to have at work so that I could point it at my co-workers and press the "freakin' idiot" button. Well, I kept it in the pocket of my lab coat/utility jacket and it kept falling out of my pocket, so I put it in my purse, and completely forgot about it. Well, the other day I went to class, and I was rummaging for a piece of gum in my purse when all of a sudden, my purse says "Freakin' Idiot". Well, it not only scared me a little (because when my purse talks, it ususally doesn't sound like John Header) but the girl in front of me looked around at me with a confused look on her face. I was embarrassed about owning such a childish thing, so I started looking around like I didn't know what it was either. I felt so stupid, but I wasn't about to admit that it was indeed my purse quoting Napoleon Dynamite.

Do you believe in karma? Well, I actually hate to call it karma because I don't so much believe of it in that sense, but I do know that there is something out there that comes back and bites you right in the behind when you've done something bad. And before you ask, no, this isn't from watching too much "My Name Is Earl". The thing is, I think it's happening to me right now, whatever this thing is, because of something I did to someone years ago. It wasn't something that I meant to do, but I'm afraid I might have really hurt someone once and now it's coming back on me. It's a bad feeling to know there is nothing that can be done but just deal with it. Anyone got any good anti-karma ideas?

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