Friday, January 23, 2009


Hi. My name is Kelly and I want to tell you about a product that you may want to avoid.

Like some of you, during cold weather I become Snakey McLizardskin because of the dry air that comes from heaters. It's annoying and unattractive, not to mention itchy. The soap I currently use doesn't do my skin any favors, because it does not contain any kind of moisturizer. I am allergic to some unknown ingredient in most kinds of bar soap, so I can't change what I normally use to alleviate this problem. However, for some reason, I CAN use certain kinds of body wash. I usually use one of the many versions of Dove Cream Oil because it does such a good job of keeping me from shedding like a reptile, but when I went shopping for a new bottle, I decided to put a little variety in my life and try something new. I chose this:

Oil of Olay Body wash with Radiance Ribbons. It smelled nice, I liked the color of the packaging, and doggonit, I wanted to be radiant! Who wouldn't? So I purchased the product and added it to my arsenal of shower things. Before using it for the first time, I read the bottle because I was curious as to how I was going to become more radiant by using it. I mean, if I was going to be rubbing uranium into my skin, I wanted to know! I didn't see anything radioactive in the ingredient list, but the container said the green layers were going to make my skin noticeably more youthful and radiant in 5 days. Since it didn't say HOW it was going to do it, I just decided to assume it was pixie dust and unicorn eyelashes or something (those things can be lumped together in the unspecified "natural ingredients" category, in case you didn't know.) I didn't see any difference after the first day, nor the second. However, after the third day, I did see something. It was horrifying. No, it wasn't a third eye or a latent absorbed twin coming to the surface or anything like that. It was worse. The "radiance" this product promised me isn't some kind of magical skin transformation, oh no. The radiance comes from an external source. With the promise of bright, beautiful, youthful skin, I have been tricked into coating myself in reflective micro-particulates.

In short, I have enough micro glitter sticking to me right now that I sparkle like a freaking Twilight vampire! GLITTER! Seriously!

Now, I'll give the stuff props for helping out my dry skin issue, it worked great on that. However, the very last thing I wanted was my cleavage to shine like a Las Vegas casino sign! It was sneaky, too! The glitter is clear until light hits it and then - sparkle, sparkle, sparkle! GAH! I'm also worried that it will be a cumulative process and I'll eventually have enough glitter on me to transform me into a shiny fem-bot looking thing. Oh, I could throw it away or stop using it I suppose, but it wasn't exactly cheap and I rather enjoy not having to scratch all day. I'll use it and I'll freaking sparkle if I have to. However, I just wanted to make sure that all of you hear about this and are warned. WARNED! Grown people shouldn't be covered in glitter unless they specifically want to be.

That is all.

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