Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1)I think I've developed some kind of bizarre OCD issue about having food in my office. I have a ton of food in here. Much more food than I should need for the 8 hours I am here, but I can't help myself. I have all kinds of "just add water" stuff in my desk and a mini-mini fridge in the corner to store the more perishable items. It's not even that I'm eating most of this stuff, but I feel weird if I'm not stocked up with things I COULD eat if I wanted to. I suppose it will come in handy if I decide to go all Branch Davidian on someone's ass, but I truly don't see that happening. Oh well, weird or not, I shouldn't have to have a lunchless or vending machine only day any time soon.

2) Yesterday the power unexpectedly went down in our city grid and the SpRocket went dark. I didn't realize that a new alert system had been installed, so when it went off it freaked me out. It sounds like the Star Trek "Red Alert" alarm and then this creepy, subhuman voice starts telling you to leave the building and not use the elevators. Since we didn't know why the alarm was going off at the time, me and the other graphics monkeys actually left the building, but for a second I had a fear that when we reached the doors, we wouldn't be able to open them and the creepy alarm voice would say "What are you doing, Dave? I can't allow you to do that, Dave." and then the UAT would split open and drown us. Wow, I think I just disturbed myself with that.

3) This morning I'm eating fresh strawberries, green grapes and apple slices. They are all very yummy.

4) Lost is coming on tonight! I'm so excited! I'm going to be sad when it goes off of the air. I like mysteries and confusion. Well, as long as I can deal with them from the comfort of my own couch.

5) Steve has decided that I can link to his blog! He is now on the list with the rest of them in case you want to visit.

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