Friday, January 22, 2010


1) At the time of this writing, I'm actually being a slacker.

After nearly a month of absolutely nothing-at-all being given for me to do at work, suddenly (and I'm serious about the suddenly) I've been slammed with work requests. I'm not sorry I've got the work to do, mainly because I'd begun to feel guilty about coming into work and just sitting here for 8 hours, but I'm just so very busy. I finally just had to stop what I was doing for a few minutes and eat/take a break from all of the cutting and gluing and inhaling adhesives and such. I'm going to end up with a graphic designers version of the Black Lung if I don't stop it with the glue soon. :P

2) Did you know there was a tornado last night? I sure didn't! I didn't know about it until it was over, which kind of stinks for me since I work in a glass cube on the top floor of a building! Granted, I did find out that it didn't pass right by, but I've been forced to go downstairs to safety because of tornadoes that were further away from us than the one last night. Security usually sends an e-mail if there are dangerous weather conditions or even possible dangerous weather conditions, because they are the only people who get to have a TV on at all times, but I got nothing from anyone last night. I was here all alone after hours trying to finish up someone's project, too. I'm just glad it didn't hit us directly. I'd hate to think someone was having to untangle bits of me from around the guide wires that support the Saturn I-B!

3) If you follow me on Twitter, you've gotten to hear a bit about my new experience with my contact lenses! So far so good. I still feel like I've got pieces of lint in my eyes all of the time, but at least it's getting more bearable. The first & second days, I had to take them out at work because my eyes were getting super dry from the heaters being cranked up, but I've been doing much better the last two days. I have a lot of trouble getting them in my eyes, which is annoying, but I figure with more practice that will get better. I have also noticed that since the vision in each of my eyes is so different, my eyes don't focus he same and so my pupils are different sizes. I look like I've had a stroke! I also find it odd that I can see without my glasses on. I catch myself still trying to push my non-existent glasses up my nose all of the time. I'm going to end up with a bruise on the bridge of my nose if I don't stop. I also got my mee-maw glasses! They are seriously very un-me. I am having a lot of trouble getting used to them because they have a very-very-very slight bi-focal progression towards the bottom that I haven't gotten used to yet, so they make me dizzy and nauseated when I wear them. I have run into walls and stumbled around because I haven't learned to focus with them yet. My boss is going to think I've been drinking during my lunch breaks. :(

4) I posted a question on Facebook the other day about whether or not it would be weird to send myself flowers. I got mixed answers, of course, and I think some of the people thought I was just sad because I don't get flowers sent to me! Heehee, that was not why at all. Because of some kind of mix-up over the holidays when a gift I ordered wasn't delivered, I was sent a "please don't stop being our customer" gift certificate to a website that sells all kinds of things, including bouquets of flowers. I thought to myself "Oh, flowers would be nice!" but I had second thoughts, hence my posting the question to my Facebook friends. I ultimately decided that sending myself a bouquet of flowers inched over into Crazy Cat Lady territory, so I didn't get them in the end. I'm just hoping that there is no stigma to sending one's self chocolate! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you atleast ordered the good chocolate to send yourself! :P